
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:10:15
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As there are many children in the old Chinese family,it is often difficult to support the operation of the entire family by one person.At this point,the family's eldest son,or a higher ranking children (or descendants) will take part of household management responsibilities,therefore,it is often said that "the elder brother as a father,the elder sister-in-law as a mother".

Old Chinese family, many children, one man alone is often difficult to support the operation of the entire family. At this point, the eldest son of the family , or a higher ranking children (or desce...


Old Chinese family, many children, one man alone is often difficult to support the operation of the entire family. At this point, the eldest son of the family , or a higher ranking children (or descendants) will take a part of household management responsibilities , therefore, There is a saying that the elder brother seems as the father, as she and her mother long.


Old Chinese family, many children, one man alone is often difficult to support the operation of the entire family. At this point the family's eldest son, or a higher ranking children (or descendants) ...


Old Chinese family, many children, one man alone is often difficult to support the operation of the entire family. At this point the family's eldest son, or a higher ranking children (or descendants) will be part of household management responsibilities assumed, therefore, "the elder brother as a father, as she and her mother long, " one said.


英语翻译旧式中国大家庭中,子女众多,仅凭一人之力往往难以支撑整个家庭的运转.此时家中的长子,或排行较高的子女(或子孙)便部分承担了家务管理的责任,故有“长兄如父,长嫂如母”一 中国大家庭中人口最多的少数民族是哪里? 为什么说太平天国起义是中国旧式农民战争的最高峰,什么是旧式农民战争 为什么中国人口众多 如何理解太平天国运动是中国旧式农民战争的最高峰 为什么说太平天国农民起义是中国旧式农民战争的最高峰 中国旧式农民运动的最高峰是哪一场农民战争? 为什么中国一直人口众多 从结构上看大家庭与小家庭的区别是什么?费孝通的《乡土中国》中提到“一个有十多个孩子的家并不构成“大家庭”的条件,一个只有公婆儿媳四个人的家却不能称之为“小家庭”.”,这是为 这个题目选什么?多选题刘法官在审理案件时,对《中华人民共和国婚姻法》中“子女对父母有赡养扶助的义务”这一规定中“子女”的含义做了如下解释,他认为这里的子女仅指成年子女,不包 英语翻译摘 要随着我国市场经济的不断完善以及中国医药市场的对外开放,中国医药行业的竞争日益加剧,企业环境的不确定性和复杂性也在不断的增加.“人力资源”已成为众多企业在角逐中 中国旧式的汉语拼音表旧社会的那种 还有台湾那种 求英语翻译,在中国,名字一般寄托着父母对子女美好的寓意,比如说我吧 英语翻译加入WTO以后,中国的纺织品服装遭到了世贸组织其他成员的众多反倾销调查. 《为什么中国一直人口众多》阅读答案 为什么中国一直人口众多 阅读 为什么中国一直人口众多 林毅夫 中国人口众多,共有多少姓氏