How many tea did you have?Or How much tea did you have?Two cups?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:05:26
How many tea did you have?Or How much tea did you have?Two cups?
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How many tea did you have?Or How much tea did you have?Two cups?
How many tea did you have?Or How much tea did you have?Two cups?

How many tea did you have?Or How much tea did you have?Two cups?
用 How much,茶不可数.虽然后面说“Two cups ”,但那是量词“cup(杯)”的复数,不影响茶的不可数.
非要用how many,应该是:How many cups of tea did you have?这样才对

How much tea did you have? Two cups?
How many cups of tea did you have?Two cups?

茶不可数,用how much