do you have any____out the problem.Do you have any____out the problem?( )A.difficulty in working B.difficulty to workC.difficulties working D.difficulties to work但不是有两个短语么:have diffficulty to do sth和have diffficulty in doing sth

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:23:58
do you have any____out the problem.Do you have any____out the problem?( )A.difficulty in working B.difficulty to workC.difficulties working D.difficulties to work但不是有两个短语么:have diffficulty to do sth和have diffficulty in doing sth
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do you have any____out the problem.Do you have any____out the problem?( )A.difficulty in working B.difficulty to workC.difficulties working D.difficulties to work但不是有两个短语么:have diffficulty to do sth和have diffficulty in doing sth
do you have any____out the problem.
Do you have any____out the problem?( )
A.difficulty in working B.difficulty to work
C.difficulties working D.difficulties to work
但不是有两个短语么:have diffficulty to do sth和have diffficulty in doing sth.这样看来,好像A和B都可以啊?
难道没有have diffficulty to do sth这个短语么?

do you have any____out the problem.Do you have any____out the problem?( )A.difficulty in working B.difficulty to workC.difficulties working D.difficulties to work但不是有两个短语么:have diffficulty to do sth和have diffficulty in doing sth
先要记住have difficulty (in) doing sth 是固定短语,“做某事有困难”排B,D
另外 difficulty作为抽象名词时是不可数的,这句话相当于It is difficult to work out the problem.选A

A difficulty不能用复数,固定用法 所以选A

have difficulty (in) doing sth 固定短语,做某事有困难

注意,没有have difficulty to do sth这个短语!
做某事困难时have difficulty (in) doing sth!

是have diffficulty in doing sth
即have diffficulty doing sth