
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 06:21:04
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Hiding neath my umbrella --- God Help the Girl
Hiding neath my umbrella来让我呵护你吧
Agreeable kind of fella让我疼爱的小伙子
And take the safest route我们一点一点慢慢的
Through all kinds of weather在走过我们之间的旅程
Dont commit to love不能只依赖爱
And dont commit a crime也不能去犯下罪行
Worthless passion in your mind你心中的激情是无价的
The thrills that you're imagining 你的恐慌都是自己的幻想
Are a waste of your time别再浪费时间去害怕
You sad individual看着你一个人悲伤
I'm not the one for you多可惜我不是你的心上人
You'll never do你也不会爱上我
Time takes a mouthful of memory那段时间留在记忆里
Two spoonfuls你轻易地
You forget everything就忘记了那一切
Life could be musical comedy生活就像一场音乐剧
Prop-like street lighting华灯亮起
Awaiting your swing我们就各自登场独自起舞,上演各自的戏份
Place your bets做出你的决定吧
I'll place mine now想在我就决定
I will bet on your heart to win我要一心一意的为你
I've got a feeling the weather is changing我感觉到有些氛围在慢慢变化
And my luck is in我的幸运即将到来了
So what about the conversation即使畅谈之后会怎样呢
Heartfelt revelation真心流露后
But then you realise你会发现么
We are the diplomats 我们是如此可爱
Courts are breaking down可是情况似乎没那么好
Love is leaving town 冷落的心里,爱也似乎渐渐冷却
Talk yourself into a corner在角落喃喃自语
Skip the rope and go abroad, dear 亲爱的,快些振作起来吧
What's the attraction?(不懂了)直译:什么在吸引着你呢?
Follow the action就这么做吧
But you're getting old你都快要老去了
I can see the lines form on your face你的脸上纹路已经清晰可见了
Place your bets 快做决定吧
I�ll place mine now我现在就下定决心了
I've got a feeling the weather is changing so
Place your bets
I'll place mine now
I've got a feeling the weather is changing so
Place your bets
I'll place mine now
I will bet on your heart to win
I will bet on your heart to win(重复)
I've got a feeling the weather is changing我感觉到有些东西已经变了
And my luck is in我的幸运到来了
My luck is in 我的幸运到来了