translation (English into Chinese)Refreshing though the production may be,ti is strange and rather frustrating to note that nowhere is there any mention at all of the earlier version which has obviously served a blueprint for the present one.Having a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 11:09:30
translation (English into Chinese)Refreshing though the production may be,ti is strange and rather frustrating to note that nowhere is there any mention at all of the earlier version which has obviously served a blueprint for the present one.Having a
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translation (English into Chinese)Refreshing though the production may be,ti is strange and rather frustrating to note that nowhere is there any mention at all of the earlier version which has obviously served a blueprint for the present one.Having a
translation (English into Chinese)
Refreshing though the production may be,ti is strange and rather frustrating to note that nowhere is there any mention at all of the earlier version which has obviously served a blueprint for the present one.Having also published a translation of the LunYu into french ,the reviewer would personally have been interested to have his explanations on the evolution of his approach to the book over the past ten years.

translation (English into Chinese)Refreshing though the production may be,ti is strange and rather frustrating to note that nowhere is there any mention at all of the earlier version which has obviously served a blueprint for the present one.Having a