英语翻译SOME sort of a deal seems to have been thrashed out over the weekend,according to reports from Saudi Arabia,under which its spooks will be able to snoop to their heart's content on messages sent over BlackBerrys within the kingdom.什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:14:13
英语翻译SOME sort of a deal seems to have been thrashed out over the weekend,according to reports from Saudi Arabia,under which its spooks will be able to snoop to their heart's content on messages sent over BlackBerrys within the kingdom.什么
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英语翻译SOME sort of a deal seems to have been thrashed out over the weekend,according to reports from Saudi Arabia,under which its spooks will be able to snoop to their heart's content on messages sent over BlackBerrys within the kingdom.什么
SOME sort of a deal seems to have been thrashed out over the weekend,according to reports from Saudi Arabia,under which its spooks will be able to snoop to their heart's content on messages sent over BlackBerrys within the kingdom.
什么叫 some sort of "a " deal 整句怎么翻

英语翻译SOME sort of a deal seems to have been thrashed out over the weekend,according to reports from Saudi Arabia,under which its spooks will be able to snoop to their heart's content on messages sent over BlackBerrys within the kingdom.什么

些是一类协议之上,似乎已在上周末进行,据来自沙特阿拉伯,根据该报告的间谍将能够窥探到他们的心脏就在黑莓手机发送的邮件内容在王国。some sort of "a " deal = 一些“一”的交易排序

cut some sort of a figure The first time he had a dinner with some high officials ,he felt _uneasy.A.a sort of B.sort of C.of a sort D.all sorts of 请问boll of some sort a sort of和sort of in a sort of a sort of翻译 he is ______ angry(这个怎么填,为什么)he is _____ angryA.a sort ofB.sort ofC.sort out D.of the sort 英语翻译sort of怎么理解? 英语翻译sort[(1) any group of people or things that are the same or are similar in some way; (2) a kind of something]They are the same sort of people as I.(1)He is the sort of person you want as a friend.(2)(1)(2)两句是什么意思? some sort of 口语上的 英语翻译各位大哥大姐麻烦翻译下Some sort of counterintuitive love这句 a sort of wonderful feel -Could I have some sort of social life now,dad?-No,_you have reached the age of eighteen.-Could I have some sort of social life now,dad?-No,_you have reached the age of eighteen.A up to B not until C till then D as far as分析一下各个选项 some sort of前some有何作用? 英语翻译go for sort of nuts含义 英语翻译Is it like I have some sort of beacon that only dogs and men with emotional problems can hear? I stared out of the tinted windows,looking for some sort of movement.On the left side of the building I was in,was large,snow capped mountains.On the right,a campus of some sort lined with high fence. 英语翻译I—I like to see people make progress—at the end of a session you can really see howpeople have slimmed down and sort of built up some muscle—it's very gratifying.