几个句子.初二级别左右.1.They each have an interesting story to tell us.为什么不用all?2.You will thank the host and hostess after the meal and for their's kindess.为什么用“will thank”?晚宴道谢不是经常做的状态,要用

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 09:58:47
几个句子.初二级别左右.1.They each have an interesting story to tell us.为什么不用all?2.You will thank the host and hostess after the meal and for their's kindess.为什么用“will thank”?晚宴道谢不是经常做的状态,要用
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几个句子.初二级别左右.1.They each have an interesting story to tell us.为什么不用all?2.You will thank the host and hostess after the meal and for their's kindess.为什么用“will thank”?晚宴道谢不是经常做的状态,要用
1.They each have an interesting story to tell us.
2.You will thank the host and hostess after the meal and for their's kindess.
为什么用“will thank”?晚宴道谢不是经常做的状态,要用一般现在时态么?
3.My mother has been here since she was born.
4.He has been away here from a penried of time.
我知道用现在完成时.但短语应该是:be away from吧?即使be的过去分词形式是been,也不能省略掉from啊.表示不解.

几个句子.初二级别左右.1.They each have an interesting story to tell us.为什么不用all?2.You will thank the host and hostess after the meal and for their's kindess.为什么用“will thank”?晚宴道谢不是经常做的状态,要用
因为后面是 an interesting story ,
here 是个副词,前面不能加介词from 就像 go home 而不是 go to home

几个句子.初二级别左右.1.They each have an interesting story to tell us.为什么不用all?2.You will thank the host and hostess after the meal and for their's kindess.为什么用“will thank”?晚宴道谢不是经常做的状态,要用 几个句子.初二级别左右.1.They each have an interesting story to tell us.为什么不用all?2.You will thank the host and hostess after the meal and for their's kindess.为什么用“will thank”?晚宴道谢不是经常做的状态,要用 求几个小学级别的英语日记!50词左右…… 硬度分几个级别? 英语划分几个级别? 口译 分几个级别 英语级别一共有哪几个级别? 压力容器分为哪几个级别 海啸最多有几个级别 建造师有几个级别? 口译分几个级别啊 描写秋天的好词好句(级别高一些,最好是初一初二的)语句优美通顺,句子词语多一些. 帮我造几个句子,谢谢(初二左右水平就行了)!帮我造几个句子,谢谢(初二左右水平就行了)Most of——例句:Most of the continent of Antarcrica is about 6,000 feet high.almst——例句:It is almost 12,000 feet h 反语的句子找几个【2-3个左右】 that's all because they.是什么意思?造几个句子看看 菜籽油上面写的压榨级别说明什么,有几个级别?哪个级别最好? 噪声分贝级别有几个级别呢?每个级别的例子需要举例哦~ 求助几个英语试题(填空)1.College student today have strong o---- about right and wrong.2.They are deeply interested in m----- a better life for all people e-----for those who have not been given a f----- chance before now.这是初二