except , except for , besides , but , apart from , aside 的区别(详细!)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 06:25:22
except , except for , besides , but , apart from , aside 的区别(详细!)
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except , except for , besides , but , apart from , aside 的区别(详细!)
except , except for , besides , but , apart from , aside 的区别(详细!)

except , except for , besides , but , apart from , aside 的区别(详细!)
besides,except,except for,but,but for,apart from,aside from,in addition to的区别
一、besides 意为“除了……,(还,也)”,表示的是追加关系,整体中包括了“除了”的部分;
Five other representatives arrived late besides me.除了我还有五位代表来晚了.(晚到的代表中包括“我”)
Besides his wife,his daughter also went to see him.除他妻子外,他女儿也去看过他.
二、except 意为“除了……,(其余的都)”,表示的是剔除的关系,整体中不包括“除了”的部分,except 除了后面接名词、代词外,还可接介词短语或从句.
All the other five representatives arrived late except me.除了我,其他的五位代表都来晚了.(晚到的代表中不包括“我”)
I seldom go by bus except when it is rainy.除了下雨的时候,我很少乘公共汽车.
He rarely went anywhere except to his office.除了去办公室,他很少去别的地方.
I know nothing about it except what he told me.除他告诉我的情况外,我对此事一无所知.
My papers seem to be everywhere except where they ought to be.我的文件似乎完全不在它们应该放置的地方.
三、except for 表示的是,在整体上给以定论后,再从局部上加以修正.与except 不同的是:except 所“排除”的部分与前面所述整体词属于同类,是部分与整体的关系;而except for 所“排除”的部分与前面所述的整体词往往不是同类.如:
Your essay is well written except for one or two minor grammatical mistakes.你的作文除了一两处小的语法错误外,写得很好.(“作文”与“语法错误”不是同类事物)
若用于句首,则 except for 与 except 同义(但 except 通常不用于句首,另外but也不能用于句首):
Except for me,everyone passed the exam.除了我之外,大家都通过了考试.
四、 but与except的用法基本相同并常互换使用,但but多与no,nothing,not anything,nobody,nowhere,all,anything,who等词连用,but所引出的事物常是句子的重心,有一定的强调意味.如:
They are all from the countryside but / except John.除了约翰外,他们都来自乡下.
I never saw him reading anything but the newspaper.除了报纸,我从没见他读过别的东西.
当but / except后面跟不定式时,如果but / except前面有实义动词do或do的其他形式,后面的不定式符号要省略.如:
In winter the bear does nothing but lie down and sleep.冬天,熊除了躺下睡觉什么也不干.
It had no effect except to make him angry.除了惹他生气外,没产生任何效果.
五、but for 否定复合介词,用在名词前构成介词短语,意思是“要不是”,等于 without.句子中只要有 but for,该句子必须用虚拟语气.
But for your help (if you had not helped us)we should not have finished in time.要不是你的帮助,我们就不会及时完成.
But for the rain (= If it had not rained) we should have had a pleasant journey.要不是下雨,我们就会有一个愉快的旅途的.
六、apart from在不同的上下文中,既有besides的含义,又有except和except for的含义,要根据上下文来判别.如:
Apart from English,he has a good command of Russian and French.除英语外,他还精通俄语和法语.(= besides)
He has no interests,apart from his work.他除了自己的工作外,没什么兴趣爱好.(= except )
It’s a good paper,apart from a few spelling mistakes.这是一篇好论文,只是有几处拼写错误.(= except for)
七、aside from 类似于apart from的用法.
Everything was quiet,aside from the occasional sound of a car in the distance.除了远处偶尔有汽车的声响外,四周一片寂静.
I didn't accept the job because it was badly paid and aside from that,it wasn't very interesting.我没接受这个工作,因为工资既少,又非常乏味.
八、in addition to 含义与besides一样.
They provide a free breakfast in addition to a bed.除了提供床位外,他们还提供免费早餐.