英语翻译谁帮我翻译下这个文章啊Let's face it:English is a strange language.There is no egg in the eggplant,no ham in the hamburger and neither pine nor apple in the pineapple.English muffins(注:英式松饼)were not invented in Eng

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:54:20
英语翻译谁帮我翻译下这个文章啊Let's face it:English is a strange language.There is no egg in the eggplant,no ham in the hamburger and neither pine nor apple in the pineapple.English muffins(注:英式松饼)were not invented in Eng
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英语翻译谁帮我翻译下这个文章啊Let's face it:English is a strange language.There is no egg in the eggplant,no ham in the hamburger and neither pine nor apple in the pineapple.English muffins(注:英式松饼)were not invented in Eng
Let's face it:English is a strange language.
There is no egg in the eggplant,no ham in the hamburger and neither pine nor apple in the pineapple.English muffins(注:英式松饼)were not invented in England,French fries(注:油炸土豆条)were not invented in France.We sometimes take English for granted.But if we examine its paradoxes(注:自相矛盾的说法)we find that quicksand(注:[地]流沙(区) )takes you down slowly,boxing,rings(注:(呈方形并由绳子拦隔的)拳击台)are square and guinea pig(注:pig天竺鼠)is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.If writers write,how come(注:为什么)fin-gers don't fing?If the plural of tooth is teeth,shouldn't the plural of phone booth(注:(复booths)公用电话亭)be phone beeth?If the teacher taught,does it follow that the preacher praught?If a vegetarian(注:素食者)eats vegetables,what the heck(注:到底(用来加强疑问句语气))does a humanitarian(注:慈善家)eat?Why do people recite at a play yet play at a recital(注:独唱会,独奏会)?Park on driveways(注:私人车道)and drive on parkways(注:风景区干道,公园大道).You have to marvel at the unique lunacy(注:荒谬)of a language where a house can burnup as it burns down and in which you fill in a form.by filling it out.And a bell is only heard once it goes(注:(铃)响)!English was invented by people,not computers,and it reflects the creativity of the human race (which of course isn't a race at all).That is why when the stars are out they are visible,but when the lights are ont they are invisible.And why it is that when I wind up my watch it starts but when I wind up this story it ends?
And more...Some food for"thought"(注:引人深思的事).Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker(注:经纪人)?Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist,but a person who drives a race car(注:赛车)not called a racist?Why are a wise man(注:哲人)and a wise guy(注:自作聪明的人,自命不凡的人)opposites?Why do overlook and oversee mean opposite things?If horrific meansto make horrible,does terrific mean to make terrible?Why isit that if someone tells you that there are 1 billion stars in the universe you will believe them,but if they tell you a wall has wet paint you will have to touch it to be sure?If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times,does he become disoriented?If people from Poland are called "Poles,”why aren't people from Holland called "Holes?"

英语翻译谁帮我翻译下这个文章啊Let's face it:English is a strange language.There is no egg in the eggplant,no ham in the hamburger and neither pine nor apple in the pineapple.English muffins(注:英式松饼)were not invented in Eng
没有鸡蛋的茄子,没有火腿汉堡包和既不松也不苹果在松饼pineapple.English (注:英式松饼)未发明在英国,法国薯条(注:油炸土豆条)没有发明France.We有时需要英语granted.But如果我们审查其自相矛盾(注:自相矛盾的说法)我们发现,流沙(注:[地]流沙(区) )需要你慢慢地,拳击,戒指(注:(呈方形并由绳子拦隔的)拳击台)的平方和豚鼠(注:猪天竺鼠)既不是来自几内亚也不是一个作家写pig.If ,怎么(注:为什么)翅片热尔不fing 如果复数的牙齿是牙齿,不应该是复数的电话亭(注:(复亭)公用电话亭)在电话beeth 如果老师教,它遵循的布道者praught 如果素食主义者(注:素食者)吃蔬菜,什么赫克(注:到底(用来加强疑问句语气) )没有一个人道主义(注:慈善家)吃?为什么人们背诵的发挥尚未发挥在演奏会(注:独唱会,独奏会) 公园车道(注:私人车道)和驱动器上parkways (注:风景区干道,公园大道) .你不得不惊叹于独特的愚蠢(注:荒谬)的语言如房子可以燃耗,因为它燃烧,并在您填写一份表格.通过填写它out.And钟只听到一旦它的(注:(铃)响) !英文发明的人民,而不是电脑,它反映了创造力的人类(这当然不是一个种族在所有) .这就是为什么当明星们,她们是明显的,但是当灯光是安省invisible.And他们为什么,当我风我看它开始但当我清盘这个故事该结束?
更多...一些食品的“思想” (注:引人深思的事) .为什么男人谁投资所有的钱所谓的经纪人(注:经纪人)为什么是一个人谁弹钢琴所谓的钢琴家,但一个人谁驾驶的赛车(注:赛车)没有所谓的种族主义?为什么是一个聪明的人(注:哲人)和一个明智的家伙(注:自作聪明的人,自命不凡的人)对立?为什么忽视和监督的意思相反东西?如果可怕的meansto作出可怕,可怕的是不使可怕的?为什么isit ,如果有人告诉你,有10亿恒星在宇宙中你会相信他们,但是如果他们告诉你一个墙油漆未干你将不得不触摸它,以确保?如果你把一个东方人左右旋转他几次,他是否成为迷失方向?如果人们从波兰被称为“极点” ,为什么不从荷兰人所谓的“孔?”