求一篇以I AM WHO I AM为题的英语演讲稿

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 20:48:31
求一篇以I AM WHO I AM为题的英语演讲稿
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求一篇以I AM WHO I AM为题的英语演讲稿
求一篇以I AM WHO I AM为题的英语演讲稿

求一篇以I AM WHO I AM为题的英语演讲稿
am who I am2009-01-20 17:59真正能改变境遇的只有自己
烟雾太浓的时候容易迷惑了视线 煽风点火中有人送糖果有人扛炮弹
内心明确自己的所求才能保持纹丝不动视而不见的清醒 为何不可作壁上观享受喧嚣中的平静..
旁人紧握的东西再多也有剩余的空气我还是能够呼吸 挤压的只不过是我高不到两米宽不到半米的空间位置 它可有可无
同样的 只因为旁人的放手 我就会得到不曾拥有的东西吗 这样的以为难免很傻很天真了点吧..
环境一直在变 所谓的有利的不利的都不是绝对的反而往往都是自以为的
没人能真正取代谁 关键看你自己具备什么 我相信只要存在就还有机会 但这些是源于自己的坚持 胆识 积累 而非其他
我从来就不是渔翁命 也宁愿做自由的牧羊人..
不用给我递糖 两年来苦涩的东西我吞了不少早忘了甜的滋味 更别给我架枪 我天生就是副欠扁的硬骨头
趋炎附势顺藤摸瓜的事我不屑 无中生有没事较劲的事我不必 空名虚位我根本不在乎 我只想做我的音乐..
无论未来怎样发展变化 都不会是被其他人事左右 我只对自己负责 对自己的music career负责..
Who am I am2009-01-20 17:59 can really change of circumstances only yourself
Smoke too thick to sight when someone in the bellows deceived send candy someone carry rounds
Within its own desire to keep clear why not blind still chose to enjoy in peace.
Others lose what I don't get anything and relationship
What others hold more also have the rest of the air I breathe or can squeeze is just me less than two meters wide high less than half a meter space it is optional
The same just because somebody go I will get the things you didn't have such a thought is very silly too naive.
Environment in the so-called favorable disadvantage is not absolutely but are often thought
No one can really see your key to replace who have left,I believe as long as there is a chance,but these are from his guts accumulation on rather than any other
I never do not prefer free life with the shepherd..
Now what I lack what will also clear what
Don't give me two years of bitter candy I swallowed a lot more sweet taste of early forget,I don't give I frame gun born of tough one vice owed
I despise QuYanFuShi ShunTengMoGua have nothing I needn't churn hollow phantom I didn't care,I just want to do my music..
Regardless of how the future development of change is not only by other personnel responsible for myself or my career in his music for..