Mary is a girl full of questions.She always asks her mother ___.A.where does she come from B.that the earthquake takes place C.who is the greatest man in the world D.why the sun rose in the east

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 04:59:55
Mary is a girl full of questions.She always asks her mother ___.A.where does she come from                     B.that the earthquake takes place                 C.who is the greatest man in the world                     D.why the sun rose in the east
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Mary is a girl full of questions.She always asks her mother ___.A.where does she come from B.that the earthquake takes place C.who is the greatest man in the world D.why the sun rose in the east
Mary is a girl full of questions.She always asks her mother ___.
A.where does she come from B.that the earthquake takes place C.who is the greatest man in the world D.why the sun rose in the east

Mary is a girl full of questions.She always asks her mother ___.A.where does she come from B.that the earthquake takes place C.who is the greatest man in the world D.why the sun rose in the east
第一句不正确.因为宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述语序,而不是疑问句语序.应该改为:Where she comes from.就对了
第二句错在,宾语从句的引导词用错了.B选项玛丽是要问地震在哪里发生的?所以说应该用Where提问,改为:Where the earthquake takes place.
第四句,错在了时态,玛丽要问的问题是 为什么太阳从东边升起?可是,太阳升起是一个每天都发生,且永恒不变的一个常理.所以永远都不能用过去时表达,只能用一般现在时,并且要注意第三人称单数.改成:Why the sun rises in the east.才对

A 宾从用陈述语气 where she comes from
B the earthquake takes place 用 where或 when或if/whether 引导
C ask sb 宾从 who is the greatest man in the world 宾从由 who 引导 ...


A 宾从用陈述语气 where she comes from
B the earthquake takes place 用 where或 when或if/whether 引导
C ask sb 宾从 who is the greatest man in the world 宾从由 who 引导
D why the sun rises in the east 表示客观事实时用一般现在时 rises


C 宾语从句用陈述语气A不符合 ask后的宾语从句一般用if/whether what when等疑问词引导B错 要用when 当表示客观事实 科学原理时用一般现在是 D错 要用rises