英语翻译世界贸易组织概况:1994年4月15日在摩洛哥的马拉喀什市举行的关贸总协定乌拉圭回合部长会议决定成立更具全球性的世界贸易组织(简称“世贸组织”,World Trade Organization -- WTO) ,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:11:27
英语翻译世界贸易组织概况:1994年4月15日在摩洛哥的马拉喀什市举行的关贸总协定乌拉圭回合部长会议决定成立更具全球性的世界贸易组织(简称“世贸组织”,World Trade Organization -- WTO) ,
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英语翻译世界贸易组织概况:1994年4月15日在摩洛哥的马拉喀什市举行的关贸总协定乌拉圭回合部长会议决定成立更具全球性的世界贸易组织(简称“世贸组织”,World Trade Organization -- WTO) ,
1994年4月15日在摩洛哥的马拉喀什市举行的关贸总协定乌拉圭回合部长会议决定成立更具全球性的世界贸易组织(简称“世贸组织”,World Trade Organization -- WTO) ,以取代成立于1947年的关贸总协定(GATT).

英语翻译世界贸易组织概况:1994年4月15日在摩洛哥的马拉喀什市举行的关贸总协定乌拉圭回合部长会议决定成立更具全球性的世界贸易组织(简称“世贸组织”,World Trade Organization -- WTO) ,
WTO overview
On April 15th 1994,a ministerial meeting of GATT Uruguay Round held in Marrakech,Morocco agreed on setting up the World Trade Organization (WTO) which is more universal to replace the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
World Trade Organization is a permanent international organization independent of the United Nations.It officially started to operate on January 1st,1995.It is aimed to manage the order of world economy and trade,with its headquarter along the Lac Lemon in Geneva.On January 1st,1996,it officially replaced the provisional institution GATT .WTO is an international organization with legal status and has higher authority in resolving disputes among its members.It grew out of the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade.Compared with its predecessor,it covers trade of cargo,service,and intellectual property rights,while the later was limited to commodity and cargo trade.
Achievements and contributions of WTO
The idea of setting up WTO emerged on the Britton Woods Conference,when it was conceived an international trace organization could be set up the time Word Bank and International Monetary Fund,thus forming a three-in-one institution of “currency – finance – trade” controlling the world economy after the Second Word War.In 1947,Havana Charter subscribed on the UN trade and employment conference agreed to set up World Trade Organization,which later failed due to America’s objection.In the same year,America initiated the establishment of GATT as a provisional agreement to promote trade liberalization.After the launch of GATT Uruguay Round,the European Community and Canada officially and respectively submitted a bill of setting up Word Trade Organization,and not until the ministerial meeting of GATT was held in Marrakech,Morocco was the formal decision made.


WTO General:
April 15, 1994 in the Moroccan city of Marrakesh at the GATT Uruguay Round of the Council of Ministers decided to establish a more global the World Trade Organization ( "WTO", World ...


WTO General:
April 15, 1994 in the Moroccan city of Marrakesh at the GATT Uruguay Round of the Council of Ministers decided to establish a more global the World Trade Organization ( "WTO", World Trade Organization - WTO), to Founded in 1947 to replace the GATT (GATT).
The WTO is independent of the United Nations a permanent international organizations. "January 1, 1995 officially began operation." Responsible for the management of the world economy and trade order, based in Switzerland days Walai Meng Lake. January 1, 1996, it replaced the GATT provisional institutions. The WTO is a legal person status of international organizations, in the mediation of disputes has a higher authority. Its predecessor was made by the GATT in 1947. Compared with the GATT, the WTO covers trade in goods, trade in services and intellectual property trade, and the GATT applies only to merchandise trade in goods.
WTO's achievements and contributions:
The idea is the establishment of the WTO in July 1944 at the Bretton Woods meeting, the then envisaged the establishment of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund at the same time, the establishment of an international trade organization, so that they become the Second World War After about the world economy "currency - Financial - trade" three-in-one body. 1947 United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment signed by the "Havana Charter" agreed to set up the WTO, and later because of U.S. opposition, the WTO could not be substantiated. The same year, the United States initiated the development of the GATT, trade liberalization as a temporary contract. In 1986 the GATT Uruguay Round negotiations launched after the European Community and Canada in 1990 were formally proposed the establishment of the WTO's motion, in April 1994 in Marrakesh, Morocco, the GATT Ministerial Conference to be held before a formal decision The establishment of the WTO.


幽雪林月 - 总监 八级 应该是机器的吧。
教你一个辨别机译的好办法:就是随便读一句话~ 呵呵



英语翻译世界贸易组织概况:1994年4月15日在摩洛哥的马拉喀什市举行的关贸总协定乌拉圭回合部长会议决定成立更具全球性的世界贸易组织(简称“世贸组织”,World Trade Organization -- WTO) , 2011年4月17日英语国家概况试题和答案 我想对下答案 我国于2001年12月11日加入的主要国际组织是什么?1 联合国2 世界卫生组织3 世界贸易组织4 国际奥林匹克委员会 1995年1月,世界贸易组织即______宣告成立,总部设立在________.额 2001年12月11日,我国正式加入世界贸易组织,成为世界贸易组织第()个成员. 2010年10月10日,世界贸易组织第四次部长会议审议与通过了中国加入()组织的决定. 世界贸易组织成立是在哪年 中国近代发展史,例如,2001年12月11日,正式加入WTO【世界贸易组织】最好是从1949到现在的.抱歉,打错了,是现代史.不好意思哦 2001年12月11日,中国加入的重要国际组织是A联合国 B世界贸易组织 C国际奥林匹克委员会 D国际红十字会 2009年12月11日是我国加入什么国际组织的8周年纪念日A联合国B欧盟C世界贸易组织D亚太经合组织 英语翻译概况一点对比的呢 英语翻译就职概况 大概工资是多少, 中国是哪一年加入WTO(世界贸易组织)的? 为什么俄罗斯2011年才加入WTO(世界贸易组织)? 世界贸易组织是什么意思? 世界贸易组织是什么意思? 1.2001年10月10日,世界贸易组织第四次部长级会议审议与通过了中国加入( )组织的决定.2.秦始皇陵在我国( )省( ).3.泰山位于( )境内.4布达拉宫由( )宫和( )宫组成.5.我国万里长城 美国政府对中国轮胎征收惩罚性关税违背了世界贸易组织的什么原则2009年9月14日中国政府正式就美国限制中国轮胎进口的特殊保障措施启动了世界贸易组织争端解决程序.声明指出,美方对中