英语翻译Well it all started with singing lesson from my mummy when I was 3 years old.By the time I was 6 yrs I started classical piano.@ 15 I started song writing and got into playing the bass along with the drums.16 years old.became a vocal coac

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 10:57:31
英语翻译Well it all started with singing lesson from my mummy when I was 3 years old.By the time I was 6 yrs I started classical piano.@ 15 I started song writing and got into playing the bass along with the drums.16 years old.became a vocal coac
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英语翻译Well it all started with singing lesson from my mummy when I was 3 years old.By the time I was 6 yrs I started classical piano.@ 15 I started song writing and got into playing the bass along with the drums.16 years old.became a vocal coac
Well it all started with singing lesson from my mummy when I was 3 years old.By the time I was 6 yrs I started classical piano.@ 15 I started song writing and got into playing the bass along with the drums.16 years old.became a vocal coach and joined 'London Community Gospel Choir' as a singer,did nuff singing and touring with some great people.17 gave up piano to concentrate on my singing and bass playing,got into production too.20 years old,became the bass player for 'London Fusion Orchestra'.Over the next 5 Years I toured,recorded with many other bands,as well as my own as bassist/singer.25 Years old developed RSI in both hands due to playing too much.25/26 years old,signed a deal with 'Leap Of Faith Records' as G-Incarna 29 years old,restarted Tribal,now called Tribal Tree Music with Founder Kevin Osborne,where I met and worked closely with Charlotte Hersh who is now my business partner.Today I'm a vocal coach,vocal producer,singer,songwriter,producer,musican and the Co-founder and CEO of Qton Records,MobettaMusiq,and Qton Publishing and Qton Studios.One love,peace and universal guidance.Monty,aka mompee,aka Light Particle and the rest.

英语翻译Well it all started with singing lesson from my mummy when I was 3 years old.By the time I was 6 yrs I started classical piano.@ 15 I started song writing and got into playing the bass along with the drums.16 years old.became a vocal coac
Well it all started with singing lesson from my mummy when I was 3 years old.By the time I was 6 yrs I started classical piano.@ 15 I started song writing and got into playing the bass along with the drums.16 years old.became a vocal coach and joined 'London Community Gospel Choir' as a singer,did nuff singing and touring with some great people.
17 gave up piano to concentrate on my singing and bass playing,got into production too.20 years old,became the bass player for 'London Fusion Orchestra'.Over the next 5 Years I toured,recorded with many other bands,as well as my own as bassist/singer.
25岁时,我的双手都因弹奏过度,患上了肢体重复性劳损.25-26岁,与信仰之跃唱片('Leap Of Faith Records)签约,艺名叫做G-Incarna.29岁,与凯文 奥斯本一起,重新开始部落(Tribal)公司(如今叫做部落树音乐)的事业,遇见了夏洛特 赫许并与其紧密合作.
25 Years old developed RSI in both hands due to playing too much.25/26 years old,signed a deal with 'Leap Of Faith Records' as G-Incarna 29 years old,restarted Tribal,now called Tribal Tree Music with Founder Kevin Osborne,where I met and worked closely with Charlotte Hersh who is now my business partner.
Today I'm a vocal coach,vocal producer,singer,songwriter,producer,musican and the Co-founder and CEO of Qton Records,MobettaMusiq,and Qton Publishing and Qton Studios.One love,peace and universal guidance.Monty,aka mompee,aka Light Particle and the rest.

这一切都要从我三岁时妈妈教我唱歌说起。六岁时,我开始弹古典钢琴。十五岁时我开始写歌,打鼓,玩贝斯。十六岁时,我成为了声乐教练,并参加了‘London Community Gospel Choir' (伦敦社区福音唱诗班),和一些不错的人一起参加了演唱和巡演。十七岁时我放弃了钢琴,开始专注于演唱和贝斯。二十岁时,我成为'London Fusion Orchestra'的贝斯手。接下来的五年我做巡演,...


这一切都要从我三岁时妈妈教我唱歌说起。六岁时,我开始弹古典钢琴。十五岁时我开始写歌,打鼓,玩贝斯。十六岁时,我成为了声乐教练,并参加了‘London Community Gospel Choir' (伦敦社区福音唱诗班),和一些不错的人一起参加了演唱和巡演。十七岁时我放弃了钢琴,开始专注于演唱和贝斯。二十岁时,我成为'London Fusion Orchestra'的贝斯手。接下来的五年我做巡演,作为歌手和贝斯手和一些其他乐队一起灌唱片。25岁时我的双手因为弹贝斯过度而得了肢体重复性劳损。二十五六岁时,我作为29岁的 G-Incarna 与'Leap Of Faith Records' 签约,和创始人Kevin Osborne一起重新组建了Tribal,它现在叫Tribal Tree Music ,在那里我与Charlotte Hersh认识、合作,他现在是我的生意伙伴。现在我是声乐教练、配唱制作人、歌手、作曲人、制片人、音乐家以及Qton Records、MobettaMusiq, and Qton Publishing 和 Qton Studios公司的CEO和合伙人。
(下面两句感觉不完整,有语法上的缺失,我试着按字面翻译下)爱、和平及普世的救赎。Monty, aka mompee, aka Light Particle 及其他。
(我猜要不这些都是其他的公司的名字?这样的话就是标点符号错了,studio后面应该是逗号,那一切就都通顺了,可以全部作为公司的名字放进前一句,即:现在我是声乐教练、配唱制作人、歌手、作曲人、制片人、音乐家和Qton Records、MobettaMusiq, Qton Publishing , Qton Studios,MobettaMusiq, and Qton Publishing and Qton Studios,One love, peace and universal guidance. Monty, aka mompee 以及aka Light Particle 公司的CEO和合伙人。)




一切都始于我三岁时妈妈教给我唱歌。六岁时我开始弹古典钢琴曲,十五岁是我开始写歌并且开始演奏贝斯和鼓乐器。十六岁,成为一名声乐教师并加入了“伦敦社区福音唱诗班”作歌手,和一些很棒的家伙一起巡回演唱。十七岁时,我放弃了钢琴,集中注意力于歌唱和贝斯演奏,也出版了作品。二十岁那年,成为“伦敦联合管弦乐队”的贝斯手。接下来的五年,我巡回演出,和许多其他的乐队一起录音,也在继续做我的贝斯手和歌手。二十五岁时,由于演出太多,自己赤手空拳地建立了RSI。二十五/六岁的时候,代表G-INCARNA公司与LEAP OF FAITH RECORDS’公司达成交易。二十九岁时,和Founder Kevin Osborne一起重新成立TRIBAL,现在叫TRIBAL TREE MUSIC的,在这里我遇到了夏洛特.赫什并与之密切合作,现在他是我的商业搭档。现在我是一个声乐教师,一个声乐制作人、歌手、歌曲作家、发行人、谱曲和QTON音像公司、MOBETTA音乐公司、QTON出版公司和QTON录音室的发起人和首席执行官。是一个爱好和平,相信命运和世间一切的人。(最后一句原文有些凌乱)


那么这一切开始唱的时候我妈妈的教训,我3岁。到那时我6岁,我开始古典钢琴。 在15岁我开始歌曲创作并演奏低音鼓一起了。 16岁。成为声乐教练,并加入'伦敦社区福音合唱团,作为一名歌手',但这份厚礼,并与一些歌唱伟大的人民巡演。 17日放弃了钢琴,把精力集中在歌唱和演奏低音,投入生产了太多。 20岁,成了'大提琴手伦敦交响乐团融合'。在接下来的5年里,我参观,与许多其他乐队记录,以及我自己的贝司手/...


那么这一切开始唱的时候我妈妈的教训,我3岁。到那时我6岁,我开始古典钢琴。 在15岁我开始歌曲创作并演奏低音鼓一起了。 16岁。成为声乐教练,并加入'伦敦社区福音合唱团,作为一名歌手',但这份厚礼,并与一些歌唱伟大的人民巡演。 17日放弃了钢琴,把精力集中在歌唱和演奏低音,投入生产了太多。 20岁,成了'大提琴手伦敦交响乐团融合'。在接下来的5年里,我参观,与许多其他乐队记录,以及我自己的贝司手/歌手。 25岁开发双手因玩耍而RSI的。 25/26岁,签署了'信仰记录作为G'Incarna 29岁,大跃进交易重新部落,现在与方正凯文奥斯本,在那里我见到了,并与夏洛特赫什谁现正密切树音乐我的部落商业合作伙伴。今天,我是声乐教练,声乐生产,歌唱家,作曲家,制片人,musican和共同创始人和Qton记录,MobettaMusiq和Qton出版及Qton Studios首席执行官。一个爱,和平和普遍的指导。Monty,又名mompee,又名Light Particle and the rest
