
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 19:38:29
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Engineering constructions are accounted as per their actual costs including direct material expenses,direct labor costs,costs of construction machinery,subcontract costs,other direct expenses as well as allocable indirect construction costs.In case at the close of the fiscal year,the construction contract costs plus cumulated confirmed gross profits (losses) are more than the settled amounts,the differences are recorded into “Inventories” on the Balance Sheet.Otherwise,the differences are recorded into “Advances from Custromers” on the Balance Sheet.

Accounting method of engineering construction should be based on actual cost, which includes direct material expense,direct cost of labor,cost of construction machinery,subcontract cost, other direct ...


Accounting method of engineering construction should be based on actual cost, which includes direct material expense,direct cost of labor,cost of construction machinery,subcontract cost, other direct expenses as well as allocable construction-related indirect cost. Upon year end, if cumulated total engineering construction contract cost plus cumulated confirmed gross profit (loss) is greater than project cost settlement, the difference should be listed under inventory (Amount due from customer for contract work
)of statement of assets and liabilities.Otherwise, it should be listed under adanvances from customers (settlement for in progress contract work).


Construction Expenditures are accounted at actual cost, including direct materials, direct labors, costs of equipments used for constructions, subcontracting costs(这里有可能是指variable overheads,请核实。), oth...


Construction Expenditures are accounted at actual cost, including direct materials, direct labors, costs of equipments used for constructions, subcontracting costs(这里有可能是指variable overheads,请核实。), other direct costs and indirect allocable overheads.
At the year end, the difference of accumulated construction expenditures occurred and the realized gross profit or loss over the charges billed for work is recored as inventory on the balance sheet (Construction in Progress). Vice Versa, the difference will be otherwise recorded as account receivable on the balance sheet (Billings on Construction).


审计报告中译英-存货工程施工以实际成本核算,包括直接材料费、直接人工费、施工机械费、分包费用、其他直接费及应分配的施工间接成本等.年末各项工程施工中累计已发生的建造合同成 中译英-审计报告-在建工程 中译英-审计报告-收入确认方法 以成本和收入为基础的存货周转率各有什么作用? 求助翻译英语:在实际工程施工中, 存货按成本进行初始计量是什么意思 建筑工程施工成本管理计划内容有哪些? 建筑工程施工成本管理计划内容有哪些? 关于采用零售价法计算存货成本的问题.某商品流通企业期初存货商品成本为30万元,售价总额为43万元;当期购入商品的实际成本为67.5万元,售价总额为107万元;当期销售收入为110万元,在采用 关于经济订货量和全年订货成本储存成本的问题某企业存货成本相关资料如下:(1)订货批量以100件为单位(2)全年销售该种存货100万件(3)每件进货单价4元(4)每件储存成本为商品进货价格的25%(5) 企业对存货采用实际成本法核算时,需要设置的科目有A.原材料B.在途物资C.材料采购D.材料成本差异答案是AB,C.D为什么不是呢 某企业采用“先进先出法”计算存货成本,期初某种库存商品数量为100件,单位成本800元,本月购入350件,单位成本900元,本月领用250件,则实际发出成本为_? 关于存货周转率存货周转率为什么是用销售成本除以存货平均余额,而不是用销售收入去除呢 什么是存货的计划成本法?有哪些主要优点 存货按计划成本核算材料成本差异率企业的存货按计划成本核算,期初甲种材料库存数量为50吨,其计划成本为200元/吨,“材料成本差异率”账户的借方余额为100元,本月以210元/吨购入甲种材料50 财管试题某公司与存货成本相关的资料如下:(1)订货批量以100为单位;(2)全年需要该种存货100万件;(3)每件进货单价4元;(4)每件储存成本为进价的25%;(5)每次订货成本50元; 审计报告是什么意思? 年度审计报告