1、If y=(x^2+1)^1/2,then the derivative of y^2 with respect to x^2 is2、if y=x^2+x,then the derivative of y with reespect to 1/(1-x) is

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:05:04
1、If y=(x^2+1)^1/2,then the derivative of y^2 with respect to x^2 is2、if y=x^2+x,then the derivative of y with reespect to 1/(1-x) is
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1、If y=(x^2+1)^1/2,then the derivative of y^2 with respect to x^2 is2、if y=x^2+x,then the derivative of y with reespect to 1/(1-x) is
1、If y=(x^2+1)^1/2,then the derivative of y^2 with respect to x^2 is
2、if y=x^2+x,then the derivative of y with reespect to 1/(1-x) is

1、If y=(x^2+1)^1/2,then the derivative of y^2 with respect to x^2 is2、if y=x^2+x,then the derivative of y with reespect to 1/(1-x) is
1、 dy^2/dx^2=dy^2/dx*dx/dx^2=dy^2/dx*1/(dx^2/dx)=2x*(1/2x)=1
2、dy/d(1/(1-x))=dy/dx*dx/d(1/(1-x))= (2x+1)*(1/d(1/(1-x))/dx)=(2x+1)*(1/(1-x)^2)=(2x+1)(1-x)^2.

#includemain(){int x=1,y=2,z=3;if(x>y)if(y int x=1,y=2,z=3if (x>y)if(y #includeint main(void){int x,y,t,n,flag=1,s,i;while( scanf(%d%d,&x,&y)==2 ){if(x>y){t=x;x=y;y=t;}if(x==0&&y==0) continue;for(n=x;n 递归二分发求方程解#include using namespace std;double f(double t){return t*t*t-3*t+4;}double b(double a,double b,int n){double t=(a+b)/2;if(n==1||f(t)==0){return t;}if(f(a)*f(t)>x>>y;cin>>c;double s=b(x,y,c);cout 1 int x=1,y=0; 2 if(!x) y++; 3 else if(x==0) 4 if(x) y+=2; 5 else if y+=3;还有2,3句里的if(!x)和if(x==0)是不是一个意思啊?1 int x=1,y=0; 2 if(!x) y++; 3 else if(x==0) 4 if(x) y+=2; 5 else if y+=3; c语言 if#includemain(){int x=1,y=0;if(!x)y++;else if(x==0)if(x) y+=2;else y+=3;printf(%d ,y);} 求自然数对数Private Sub Command1_Click()For x = 1 To 100For y = 1 To 100If x < y Then t = x:x = y:y = tIf x + y = (Sqr(x + y)) ^ 2 And x - y = (Sqr(x - y)) ^ 2 ThenList1.AddItem Format(x,@@@@) & Format(y,@@@@)End IfNextNextEnd Subx < y Then 设x,y,z均为int型变量,则执行以下语句串后,变量t的值为(?) x=y=z=0;if(x=y)t=z;else t=!z;x=y=z=0;if(x=y)t=z;else t=!z;A .不定值 B .2 C.1 D.0 1:与十六进制数BB等值十进制数是多少.2:将原码表示的有符号二进制数11001101转换成十进制数是多少.以下程序运行的结果是多少main(){int x=10,y=20,t=0;if(x==y) t=x;x=y;y=t;printf(%d%d '',x,y);}以下程 matlab for循环语句clc;close all;clear all;x=1;y=1;T=1;A=[3,4,5];for i=1:3N=A(i);t=x;x=x+y;y=t+2*y;while =1&y~=1;T=T+1;if x>Nx=mod(x,N);endif y>Ny=mod(y,N);endt=x;x=x+y;y=t+2*y;enddisp(T);end我本意是想调用 数组A内的数来计算不同阶 已知X=t+1,y=2t-1 VB中判断奇偶 y=IIf(x mod 2,1,0) If y Then Print 奇数 Else Print 偶数 End If为什么是if ythen而不是if y=1 then呢?if y 是什么意思 x=t+2,y=2t+1 matlab solve的用法S=dsolve('Dx=450*(90*t-x)/sqrt((90*t-x)^2+(120-y)^2),Dy=450*(120-y)/sqrt((90*t-x)^2+(120-y)^2)')结果:[y(t)=120,x(t)=450*t+C1,y(t)=120,x(t)=-450*t+C1,[((90*t-x(t))^2/diff(x(t),t)^2)^(1/2)=(90*t-x(t))/diff(x(t),t),y(t)=(120*dif 已知x=2t/1+t,y=t/1-t,用x的代数式表示y 设x=t^2-1,y=t^4-2t^3,求y x=2t+1/t,y=t-1/2t参数方程, x = t - ln(1+t) y = t^3 + t^2 求dy/dx