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July 2008, "Fortune", "Global 500" list published in 2007, Ping An of China 18 billion U.S. dollars of operating income for the first time into the Global 500, ranked No. 462 and became elected to the list of China and Africa The first state-owned enterprises.
April 2008, "Forbes" Global 2000 companies (Forbes Global 2000) published the list, Ping An of China re-entry into the global top 500 than the 147 seats forward in 2007 ranked No. 293; 151 list in China companies, ranked No. 9, won the first non-state-owned enterprises. At the same time, the British "Financial Times" published in 2008 the market value of the global top 500 enterprises (FT Global 500), Ping An of China in the global ranking of companies accounted for the first 140, the global insurance industry in the fourth.
The company through its subsidiary, the professional a total of about 4,095 million individual customers and corporate clients about 1,970,000 provides insurance, investment management and other financial services. Group has approximately 315,000 life insurance sales and more than 7 full-time employees and marketing all types of branches serving more than 3,000. 1 January, 2008 to June 30, 2008, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, the Group achieved revenues of 63.633 billion yuan, net profit reached 9.719 billion yuan. From premium income, Ping An Life is China's second largest life insurance company, Ping An Property & Casualty for China's third largest P & C insurance.
The Company's mission is: to investors, customers, integrity protection; of staff, career planning, home and enjoy; to shareholders, asset value, stable return; of the community, society, nation-building. Ping An of China in order to maximize the value of advocacy-oriented and process excellence, high moral character, and so valuable, and the formation of the "honesty, trust, progress, achievements," the personal values, and "unity, vitality, learning and innovation" values of the team. Group of the "competition, motivation, elimination" mechanism, the implementation of "difference, professional, advanced and long-term" business philosophy.
Ping An of China is China's finance and insurance industry's first enterprise to introduce foreign capital, with a sound governance structure, international and professional management team, Group senior management team more than 1 / 2 from overseas. China Ping An of China's financial companies have an integrated financial services platform, to achieve the company's strategy, corporate culture, brand communications, IT technology, human resources, asset management, project management and risk control is centralized and can provide individual customers and businesses provide customers with personalized series products and services. Ping An of China building a call center and the Internet as the core, relying on service center stores and professional sales team 3A (Anytime, Anywhere, Anyway) service delivery model to provide clients with the national pass loss, hospitals, stores "one counter pass "and other differentiated services. Also introduced the industry take the lead in disaster relief services both at home and abroad, policy loans, pay in advance the dignity of life, customer service section and many other value-added services.2008年7月,《财富》“世界500强”排行榜公布,中国平安以2007年180亿美元的营业收入,首次进入全球500强,位列第462位,并成为入选该榜单的中国非国有企业第一名.
2008年4月,《福布斯》全球上市公司2000强(Forbes Global 2000)排行榜公布,中国平安再次进入全球500强,较2007年前进147席名列第293位;在151家上榜的中国企业中,排名第9,蝉联非国有企业第一名.同时,在英国《金融时报》公布的2008年全球市值500强企业排行榜(FT Global 500),中国平安在全球企业排名中占第140位,在全球保险行业排名第四.

求盈利分析的英文文献求关于商业银行盈利能力分析的英文文献啊,最好有翻译, 求一篇关于企业亏损的英文文献或者英文著作请名字 作者 要外国人写的 最好跟企业治理 盈利亏损 有联系的最好 急求1篇关于商业银行个人理财业务的英文文献,5千字左右,带中文翻译, 哪里有查关于商业银行的英文文献我需要4万字左右商业银行英文文献谢谢大家 求一份财务报表分析的英文文献, 求一个超市盈利的计算方法 求一篇关于病毒的英文文献 求翻译英文文献,关于隧道的. 求初一应用题,关于盈利率,解题方程式,分式 三千个英文单词的英文文献,关于商业银行流动性风险,最好有中文翻译 某企业2008年盈利1500万元,2010实现盈利2160万元,求该企业每年盈利的年平均增长率若该企业盈利的年增长率保持不变,预计2011年盈利多少万元? 求一篇关于C#的英文文献,最好有翻译,大概能6000字以上的. 求关于商业银行推行客户经理制度的英文文章最好有中文翻译的 求盈利率的公式是什么?sorry,我忘了. 我国的商业银行是以利润为经营目标的金融机构,银行如何盈利 某超市四月份盈利a万元,计划五,六月份评均每月盈利的增长率为x.求该超市第二季度共盈利多少万元? 求有关商业银行防范对中小企业融资的风险的外文文献 逻辑推理求解答(1,2,3,4 指的是莫部门)1说:4会盈利2说:1没盈利,那么2也不会盈利.3说:4没盈利,那么3也没盈利.4说:1和2都会盈利4个预测只有一个正确以下除哪个外,均都为真( )A:2盈利