帮我判断这个英语句子是否有错误Do not stay,just go forward without hesitation in your own life,and believe that we are your strongest backing!帮我看看是否有错,或者不够地道可以改进的地方,越快越好!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:39:17
帮我判断这个英语句子是否有错误Do not stay,just go forward without hesitation in your own life,and believe that we are your strongest backing!帮我看看是否有错,或者不够地道可以改进的地方,越快越好!
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帮我判断这个英语句子是否有错误Do not stay,just go forward without hesitation in your own life,and believe that we are your strongest backing!帮我看看是否有错,或者不够地道可以改进的地方,越快越好!
Do not stay,just go forward without hesitation in your own life,and believe that we are your strongest backing!

帮我判断这个英语句子是否有错误Do not stay,just go forward without hesitation in your own life,and believe that we are your strongest backing!帮我看看是否有错,或者不够地道可以改进的地方,越快越好!
唯一的错误是 第一句和第二句之间少了连词.或者用句号.要更地道点就改成下面的:
Do not stay. Just move on your way without hesitation in your own life,and believe that we are your strongest backing
你是想表达 请相信我们是你最大的支持. 还是请记住.believe 如果改成keep in mind感情色彩更浓

帮我判断这个英语句子是否有错误Do not stay,just go forward without hesitation in your own life,and believe that we are your strongest backing!帮我看看是否有错,或者不够地道可以改进的地方,越快越好! 判断句子是否有错误, 请帮我找出这个英语句子中的错误.Do you writing to your friend? 帮我看下这个英语句子是否有语法错误?The pain might have something to do with the nerves. 大家帮我给一个句子挑挑错误~Being so outstanding maybe because of what he believed:No cross,no crown.这个句子有语法错误么?用词错误呢?怎样修改能更漂亮? 判断这个英语句子是否正确,如有错误,指出并改正.I don't wear some light colored clothes.I like sports,you know. 判断这个英语句子是否正确I think it isn't difficult to do well in this subject.But study math in a good way is very important错误了请帮忙改正 帮我看看这句英语句子有没有错误这个英语句子有没有错误?She is the equal of her brother as far as intelligengce is concerned. 求英语高手帮我检查下这两个句子的语法是否有错误么?求英语高手帮我检查下这两个句子的语法是否有错误么?我总感觉别扭,如果有不合适的地方,应该如何改?1,People always blame his failure on some 帮我分析一下这个英语句子是否错误?出自同一本教科书的两个句子有不同1.They have a great respect for his ability2.I have great respect for his ideas,although I don't agree with him.显然,两个句子在have和great之间 判断3个英语句子是否正确1:How much coffee would you like?2:How many sugar do you want?3:-Just a little.如错误, 你喜欢唱英语歌吗?Do you like ________________________?完成这个句子帮我补充, 英语比较级一个句子是否错误?翻译是否错误~翻译是否错误~翻译是否错误~ 请帮我检查下列句子中有没有错误, 帮我看看这个句子是否正确?Let’s talk about sports we like and we dislike.我在写英语对话,(判断它正不正确,要不要加引导词) 帮我看一下这个虚拟句子,有没有错误?she wishes her husband would not ask questions when she is tutoring the children.这里的 would not do 是与将来愿望相反,是把? No matter what you do or think ,please remember what I say请帮我看看有没有语法的错误 错误的护理皮肤方法用英语怎么说?请高手帮我翻译下这个句子吧~错误的皮肤护理方法