
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:54:11
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I can’t feel my senses 我感觉不到自己的感觉了
I just feel the cold 我只是觉得冷
All colors seem to fade away 所有颜色似乎消失
I can’t reach my soul 我不能触摸到我的灵魂
I would stop running,If knew there was a chance 我想停止逃跑,如果我还有机会的话
It tears me apart to sacrifice it all but I’m forced to let go 眼泪使我牺牲了一切,但我(最终)不得不放手
Tell me I’m frozen but what can I do?告诉我,我很冻,但我能做些什么呢?
Can’t tell the reasons I did it for you 我因为你不能说出原因
When lies turn into truth I sacrificed for you 当谎言变成真理时,我牺牲了你
You say that I’m frozen but what can I do?你说我冻结了,但我能做些什么呢?
I can feel your sorrow 我可以感觉到你的悲伤
You won’t forgive me,你不会原谅我
but I know you’ll be all right 不过,我知道你会很好
It tears me apart that you will never know but I have to let go 眼泪,我只会说,你永远都不会知道,但我要放手
Tell me I’m frozen but what can I do?告诉我,我很冻,但我能做些什么呢?
Can’t tell the reasons I did it for you 我为了你不能说出原因
When lies turn into truth I sacrificed for you 当谎言变成真理时,我牺牲了你
You say that I’m frozen but what can I do?你说我冻结了,但我能做些什么呢?
Everything will slip way 一切都将事过境迁
Shattered peaces will remain 粉碎了的平静将重新维持
When memories fade into emptiness 当记忆褪色成空虚时
Only time will tell its tale 只有时间会告诉我们它的故事
If it all has been in vain 如果这一切已徒然
I can’t feel my senses 我感觉不到自己的感觉了
I just feel the cold 我只是觉得冷
But what can I do 但是,我能做些什么呢?
Tell me I’m frozen but what can I do?告诉我,我很冻,但我能做些什么呢?
Can’t tell the reasons I did it for you 我因为你不能说出原因
When lies turn into truth I sacrificed for you 当谎言变成真理时,我牺牲了你
You say that I’m frozen,frozen...你说我冷冻,冻结...