来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/11/23 15:19:17
Through the restoration after the French revolution and repeated monarch on the specific historical period of the formatio n of influence interpretation of the weste rn music of the romantic music,and duri ng this time some of the birth of the wor ks by masters in music and reading in or der to understand the romantic style.
Through theinterpretation ofthe French Revolutionand theeffect on therestoration ofspecific historical period ofrepeatedmonarchbattleformation in westernmusic of theromantic music,and the interpretationofsomebornduring themusicand stylein order to understandromantic.
Through theinterpretation ofthe French Revolutionand theeffect on therestoration ofspecific historical period ofrepeatedmonarchbattleformation in westernmusic of theromantic music,and the interpretationofsomebornduring themusicand stylein order to understandromantic.