填什么,A:____________________give me anotherA:____________________give me another one B:Sure.Here you are .

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 21:46:44
填什么,A:____________________give me anotherA:____________________give me another one B:Sure.Here you are .
x){p Ovv8Zce y%ED)RKUp .-JH-JU/UHz6IEZ C`-/{+d+$$ف_ x

填什么,A:____________________give me anotherA:____________________give me another one B:Sure.Here you are .
填什么,A:____________________give me another
A:____________________give me another one
B:Sure.Here you are .

填什么,A:____________________give me anotherA:____________________give me another one B:Sure.Here you are .
HOW is a

Sometimes I ______________(像个孩子).(like)feel like a child 请问能否填 am like a child?feel like 和 be like有什么区别. ______________,虚心的人学十当一.横线上该填什么? 大哥我问你are there many people in the streets ______________填什么 Listen!The girls in our class are reading English ______________ (loud).应该填什么呢? -Do you like sketboard,Peter and Alice?-Yes,______________.横线上填什么啊? The teacher asks us ______________(not clean)the classroom every.到底填什么? --______________ But you'd better make him have more milk and eggs.前面填什么 聂将军就是十大元帅之一的______________.这上面应该填什么?请快一点. 填上适当形式Look!The girl ______________ (play) with a cat. The Chinese are proud of the 29th Olympic Games ______________ (hold) in Beijing in 2008.填什么 为什么 ______________(受到好的照顾后),the old man is in a happy life now.怎么填? We ______________(have)a class. 一道填诗句李时珍是郎中时就跋山涉水,尝遍百药,最终编撰《本草纲目》,真是______________,______________. 矩形的两条对角线把矩形分成了什么?矩形的两条对角线把矩形分成______________横线上填什么?四个小三角形? 语文《寒假新时空》(填空,并解释所填的字)巧( )无工______________ 自作自( )______________无( )以对______________ 引人入( )______________脍( )人口______________ 窃窃( )语______________ 秦时明月汉时关,______________如何填?help me 黄果树瀑布“______________”的奇景远近闻名 (填诗句) 诚信是什么?是老子______________的鲜明态度.(填名句)