英语翻译The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it stars from the biginning of spring.Its origin is too old to be traced.There are several explanations.Here is one story.The best Nian had a very big mouth that w

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/10 03:01:42
英语翻译The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it stars from the biginning of spring.Its origin is too old to be traced.There are several explanations.Here is one story.The best Nian had a very big mouth that w
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英语翻译The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it stars from the biginning of spring.Its origin is too old to be traced.There are several explanations.Here is one story.The best Nian had a very big mouth that w
The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it stars from the biginning of spring.Its origin is too old to be traced.There are several explanations.
Here is one story.The best Nian had a very big mouth that would swallow a great many people with one bite.People were very scared.One day,an old man came to help them,offering to subdue Nian.To Nian he said,"I hear that you are very capable,but can you swallow other bests on Earth?"So,it did swallow many of the beasts on earth.After that,the old man disappeared riding the beast Nian.He turned out to be a god.Since Nian is gone and other beasts are also scared into forests,people begin to enjoy their happy life.Before the old man left,he had told people to put up red paper decorations on their windows and doors at each year's end to scare away Nian in case it came back again,because red is the colour the beast feared the most.
From then on,people began to from the custom of putting up red paper and firing firecrackers to celebrate the Spring Festival.

英语翻译The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it stars from the biginning of spring.Its origin is too old to be traced.There are several explanations.Here is one story.The best Nian had a very big mouth that w
中国的新年现在更多的是叫做春节了 因为这是在一年的春天开始时 春节的起源有很久了都无法追溯了 现在有一些说法 其中一个是个故事 年兽有一个大嘴能不用嚼就吞下许多人 人们非常害怕 一天 一个老人来帮助人们说能克服年 他对年说 我听说你很厉害 你能吞下其他的兽么 所以年真的吞下了地球上许多其他的兽 那以后老人就骑着年消失了 他就是上帝 年走后其他的野兽也害怕的躲进了森林 人们开始幸福的生活了 老人离开之前教人们用红纸装饰门窗 以防止年再回来 能够吓跑它 因为红色是野兽最怕的颜色 那以后人们就有了过年贴红纸放鞭炮的习俗了

这是一个故事。 有只年兽它有一个大嘴,能够一口吞下很多人。人们都很怕它。有一天,一位老人来帮助他们治服年兽。他说,“我听说你很有能力,但是你能也咽下去地球上其他东西么?”,因此它吞下在地球上很多的兽。在那之后,老人骑着年兽消失了。结果证明他是神。因为年兽离开了,而其他的怪兽也害怕地逃进到森林里,而...


这是一个故事。 有只年兽它有一个大嘴,能够一口吞下很多人。人们都很怕它。有一天,一位老人来帮助他们治服年兽。他说,“我听说你很有能力,但是你能也咽下去地球上其他东西么?”,因此它吞下在地球上很多的兽。在那之后,老人骑着年兽消失了。结果证明他是神。因为年兽离开了,而其他的怪兽也害怕地逃进到森林里,而人们开始享受幸福的生活。那位老人离开前,他告诉人们把在门窗上贴上红色的纸来吓走年兽,如果年兽又回来的话,,因为红色是年兽害怕的一种颜色。从那以后,人们开始从贴红纸的习俗,烟花爆竹庆祝春节。


chinese new year 前加不加the My parents take the Chinese New Year seriously and have made it a family tradition.英语翻译, “what can we call the chinese new When does the Chinese New Year come? Chinese New 英语翻译CHINESE NEW YEAR Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon 15 days later.The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival,which is celebrated at night with lantern disp 英语翻译我是这样译的:The Chinese government is faced with a new situation.还有没有更好的译法? Happy chinese new year,the year of the usRT Chinese New Year The Spring Festival is also called Chinese New Year.It is my favorite Chinese fes的中文 英语翻译This year's Chinese New Year will be very exciting!The Chinese New Year is celebrated by nearly every Chinese in the country beacuse it is an important holiday for the people.When we prepare for the new year,first,we clean the house,that 英语翻译Chinese New Year Chinese New Year is a Chinese traditional festival.We also call it the Spring Festival.It is on lunar January 1st.On New Year’s Eve,all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner.There are some vegetabl CHINESE NEW YEAR Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and end翻译 we call the chinese New Year Spring Festival. People like the Chinese New Year.改为一般疑问句 the Chinese lunar New Year怎样翻译成汉语 have seven days o______ for the Chinese Lunar New Year Here is the Wheather forecast for Chinese New Year the chinese new year usually cones in 什么