Aproton(mass1.6726×10−27kg)andaneutron(mass1.6749×10−27kg)at rest interact to form a deuterium nucleus (heavy hydrogen).In this process,a gamma ray (high energy photon) is emitted.The energy of this gamma ray is measured to be2.2MeV≡2

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 12:15:58
Aproton(mass1.6726×10−27kg)andaneutron(mass1.6749×10−27kg)at rest interact to form a deuterium nucleus (heavy hydrogen).In this process,a gamma ray (high energy photon) is emitted.The energy of this gamma ray is measured to be2.2MeV≡2
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Aproton(mass1.6726×10−27kg)andaneutron(mass1.6749×10−27kg)at rest interact to form a deuterium nucleus (heavy hydrogen).In this process,a gamma ray (high energy photon) is emitted.The energy of this gamma ray is measured to be2.2MeV≡2
Aproton(mass1.6726×10−27kg)andaneutron(mass1.6749×10−27kg)at rest interact to form a deuterium nucleus (heavy hydrogen).In this process,a gamma ray (high energy photon) is emitted.The energy of this gamma ray is measured to be
2.2MeV≡2.2×106 eV.
a) What is the mass of the deuteron?Assume that you can neglect the small kinetic energy of the deuteron acquires after emitting the gamma ray,but keep all five significant figures as you calculate.
b) If we include the emitted gamma ray along with the proton and neutron (now bound in the deuteron) in the final state of the system to which we apply the momentum principle,we conclude that the system’s momentum must be conserved.That is,the deuteron must recoil with momentum equal and opposite to the momentum of the emitted gamma ray.Estimate the kinetic energy of the recoiling deuteron and verify that it is indeed small compared to the energy of the gamma ray,as assumed in part a).

Aproton(mass1.6726×10−27kg)andaneutron(mass1.6749×10−27kg)at rest interact to form a deuterium nucleus (heavy hydrogen).In this process,a gamma ray (high energy photon) is emitted.The energy of this gamma ray is measured to be2.2MeV≡2
In[1]:= 2.2*10^6*1.60217653*10^-19
Out[1]= 3.52479*10^-13
In[3]:= 3.5247883659999994*10^-13/(9*10^16)
Out[3]= 3.91643*10^-30
In[4]:= 1.6726*10^-27 + 1.6749*10^-27 - 3.916431517777777*10^-30
Out[4]= 3.34358*10^-27
In[5]:= 3.5247883659999994`*^-13/(3*10^8)
Out[5]= 1.17493*10^-21
In[6]:= 1.1749294553333331`*^-21/3.3435835684822224`*^-27
Out[6]= 351398.
In[7]:= 351398^2*3.3435835684822224`*^-27
Out[7]= 4.12868*10^-16

质子(质量是1.6726×10−27 kg) 中子(质量是1.6749×10−27公斤)相互作用形成 氘核(重型氢)。 在这个过程中,放出一个伽马(高能光子)。伽马射线的能量≡2.2 MeV =2.2×10的6次方电子伏特。


质子(质量是1.6726×10−27 kg) 中子(质量是1.6749×10−27公斤)相互作用形成 氘核(重型氢)。 在这个过程中,放出一个伽马(高能光子)。伽马射线的能量≡2.2 MeV =2.2×10的6次方电子伏特。
b)如果我们考虑随着质子和中子发出伽马射线的系统的最终状态,我们运用动量原理,得出系统的冲力必须考虑的的。那么氘核(重氢核)动量必须与伽马射线动量 大小相等、方向相反。试估算的氘核(重氢核)的动能并验证它小于伽马射线的能量的。

