《龟兔赛跑》英文版《龟兔赛跑》英文版还要用上这几个单词:laugh at,beat,fell fast alseep,comfortable,goal,lie down,race,believe,reach,win the race,with aslow but steady pace

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 10:16:52
《龟兔赛跑》英文版《龟兔赛跑》英文版还要用上这几个单词:laugh at,beat,fell fast alseep,comfortable,goal,lie down,race,believe,reach,win the race,with aslow but steady pace
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《龟兔赛跑》英文版《龟兔赛跑》英文版还要用上这几个单词:laugh at,beat,fell fast alseep,comfortable,goal,lie down,race,believe,reach,win the race,with aslow but steady pace
laugh at,beat,fell fast alseep,comfortable,goal,lie down,race,believe,reach,win the race,with aslow but steady pace

《龟兔赛跑》英文版《龟兔赛跑》英文版还要用上这几个单词:laugh at,beat,fell fast alseep,comfortable,goal,lie down,race,believe,reach,win the race,with aslow but steady pace
龟兔赛跑("The Turtle and the Rabbit Run a Race," )
One day a turtle was crawling slowly down a path in the shady woods.Along came a rabbit,kicking up his heels happily as he ran.He passed the turtle,and then he stopped for a moment.
"Good morning,turtle," said the rabbit."Where are you going?"
"I am on my way to the river," said the turtle,as he crawled slowly along.
"Ho,ho!Ho,ho!" laughed the rabbit."You\x039;ll never reach the river if you crawly along in the slow way.You ought to try hopping along fast,for a change.That's the way to get to the river in a hurry."
"I can't hop like you," said the turtle."I can only crawl.But I'll get to the river just the same,and perhaps I'll get there before your do."
"Ho,ho,ho!" laughed the rabbit."Do you really think that you can beat me?Shall we have a race?"
"I don't mind if we do," answered the turtle."And maybe I'll win."
Away they went.The turtle crawled slowly along the path,but the rabbit kicked up his heels and hopped so fast that he left the slow turtle far behind.
Then the foolish rabbitmade a big mistake.He was tired and out of breath,and so he sat down to rest.He fell fast sleep!
"I'm almost at the river," he said with a yawn."That slow turtle can't win this race.I'll take a little nap."He felt so comfortable.
The rabbit lay down in the shade of a bush,and soon he was fast asleep.
The turtle kept crawling along.It looked as if he didn't have a chance to win,for the rabbit was so far ahead that he was out of sight.
But the turtle never stopped crawling.He didn't get out of breath,and he did not stop to rest.Slowly but surely he crawled along.
After a while he passed the rabbit,who was taking his nap in the sade of a bush.
"Oho,what luck!" said the turtle,with a little chuckle."When that foolish rabbit wakes up from his nap,he won't think he's so clever.I'll fool him yet."
After a long nap the rabbit woke up.He did not know that the turtle had passed him.So he said with a yawm,"I might as well go to the river and wait for him to come crawling along."
Down to the river he went,kicking up his heels happily.But when he got there,he was so surprised that he stood rightup on his hind legs.There on the bank of the river was the turtle!
"I can't understand how in the world you got here first," cried the rabbit."How did you do it?"
"By crawling along slowly but surely," said the turtle."That's the way to win.I may be slow,but I am sure."

In the forest, there is a fast rabbit. He likes to race other animals. He always wins. "I am very fast," he says. "I can win any race."
One day, the rabbit sees a turtle. "You are so slow. I am f...


In the forest, there is a fast rabbit. He likes to race other animals. He always wins. "I am very fast," he says. "I can win any race."
One day, the rabbit sees a turtle. "You are so slow. I am faster than you," he says. "Do you want to race me?"
    "Yes," says the turtle. "Ha, ha. It will be easy to win," laughs the rabbit. "You will lose. Your legs are too short."
"Tomorrow we will have a race," says the rabbit. All of the animals are excited. They want to see the race. "The turtle will lose. He is too slow," they all say.
The turtle gets up early in the morning. The race is today. There are many animals at the race. The turtle walks to the starting line. All the animals laugh at him.
  The rabbit is waiting for the turtle. "I will win," laughs the rabbit. "I will try my best," says the turtle.
  The race begins. All of the other animals are excited. "Go, go, go," they say. The rabbit runs very quickly. The turtle walks slowly.
  The rabbit turns around. The turtle is walking so slowly. "Ha, ha, you will never win this race," the rabbit says. The turtle is slower than the rabbit. The rabbit laughs at the turtle.
Then the rabbit sees a tree. "The turtle is so slow. I will take a nap. I can still win the race," says the rabbit. He goes to sleep under the tree.
The turtle keeps walking. He is tired and his legs hurt. The rabbit is sleeping under a tree. The turtle quietly walks past the rabbit. He is very quiet because he doesn't want to wake up the rabbit.
    "I can do it! I can do it!" says the turtle. "My legs are short and I am slow, but I can win this race." The turtle can see the finish line.
  Suddenly, the rabbit wakes up. The turtle is far away. "He will win!" he says. The rabbit runs, but it is too late. The turtle wins the race.
  "Yeah! You are the best," say the other animals. "You are great!" The turtle is happy. The rabbit feels sad. All of the animals now laugh at the rabbit.
  "Ha, ha, ha," they laugh. "You say you are the best, but the slow turtle is the winner," they say. "He is the best! The turtle is great!"
"I am slow. I have short legs. I am not fast, but I did it!" says the turtle. The rabbit is quiet. He slowly walks home.
