1、His grandparents ______Hangzhou for 40years.They living there.A.have been in B.have been to C.have gone to D.have moved to2、The market isn't for from here.It's only ___bicycle ride.A.half an hours' B.hall an hour's C.half an hour D.an hour and

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 22:01:34
1、His grandparents ______Hangzhou for 40years.They living there.A.have been in B.have been to C.have gone to D.have moved to2、The market isn't for from here.It's only ___bicycle ride.A.half an hours' B.hall an hour's C.half an hour D.an hour and
xUMOW++6 Ee`A*U]Uc{lbhfrWc>mB@Hpe`l#K3x_ylDn*2{ysdg5↢GgC-~?ӊ-Xʠ'U1O 5CIm^d%TC  e^410R4)񔮊锜Τ(O4U4St1#5C>3kȤ̈Z$IdhQ8#E'iC~dc"7`xaFt Ħ4Z~P"χ3b3h'Sz;??m9i TW[dN%D bJSǍa,+QJ2iFTܿ&2g&Pb1-BJ$Aa/ B^@T%xv<C;_kcs9 ݭߵ\%VA,wݮn\v+a+]՜ϽbW!ׇfiɫսڞg/)P߮g|g 8nV;_}&cMXai"Π( a-%_͏I@V0{Ur'Ȳ; 4_}>(_:`kVPw6FE[v~-@|Mu!a ;[<9ݛ't|蓽@N+|YR|aڇInnzk :n"b; -9{N !- 8lwU$DD;K!\)ﺘU/z[;5?7(HWV#UK

1、His grandparents ______Hangzhou for 40years.They living there.A.have been in B.have been to C.have gone to D.have moved to2、The market isn't for from here.It's only ___bicycle ride.A.half an hours' B.hall an hour's C.half an hour D.an hour and
1、His grandparents ______Hangzhou for 40years.They living there.
A.have been in B.have been to C.have gone to D.have moved to
2、The market isn't for from here.It's only ___bicycle ride.
A.half an hours' B.hall an hour's C.half an hour D.an hour and a half
3、Jack,your hair is to long!
-----Really?I‘ll have it _____right now.
A.cuts B.cutting C、to cut D、cut
4、______bad weather yesterday!
Yes.It caused a few traffic accidents.
A.What B.What a C.How D.How a

1、His grandparents ______Hangzhou for 40years.They living there.A.have been in B.have been to C.have gone to D.have moved to2、The market isn't for from here.It's only ___bicycle ride.A.half an hours' B.hall an hour's C.half an hour D.an hour and
解析:have been in (一直)在某地 have been to到过某地 have gone to 去某地了(再去某地的路上或已到某地,人不在说话者所在地) move是短暂性动词,不用于完成时
解析:名词所有格 半个小时的 用名词单数的所有格
解析:have it done(动词过去分词) 表示让别人做某事
解析:感叹句 what后接名词 how后接形容词或副词 weather不可数 所以省掉a

1、选A。 他的爷爷奶奶在杭州已经生活40年了,他们还住在那儿。选项b译为去了某地已经回来了,c选项译为去了还没回来,d中的move是短暂性动词。
2、选half an hour's。half an hour半小时(<1)故为单数。
3、选D。have sth。 done 让某事被做。又因cut-cut-cut。


1、选A。 他的爷爷奶奶在杭州已经生活40年了,他们还住在那儿。选项b译为去了某地已经回来了,c选项译为去了还没回来,d中的move是短暂性动词。
2、选half an hour's。half an hour半小时(<1)故为单数。
3、选D。have sth。 done 让某事被做。又因cut-cut-cut。


1A 2b 3d 4A
1 搬到哪里住了40年 持续ing 选A
2只有半个小时的自行车路程 B
3have sth done 头发被剪了 cut被动为本身
4weather为不可数 名词选what