帮忙分析这段话中每个句子的语法,比如主谓宾了,是什么从句了,exercise,balanced diet can play an enormous part in reducing stress ,as well as help in maintaining body fitness.a number of times aches and pains complained in the n

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 13:34:04
帮忙分析这段话中每个句子的语法,比如主谓宾了,是什么从句了,exercise,balanced diet can play an enormous part in reducing stress ,as well as help in maintaining body fitness.a number of times aches and pains complained in the n
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帮忙分析这段话中每个句子的语法,比如主谓宾了,是什么从句了,exercise,balanced diet can play an enormous part in reducing stress ,as well as help in maintaining body fitness.a number of times aches and pains complained in the n
exercise,balanced diet can play an enormous part in reducing stress ,as well as help in maintaining body fitness.a number of times aches and pains complained in the neck,shoulder and back are a result of posture and mental tension.performing some stretching exercises or rugular exercise pattern can help you combat stress.similarly a healthy balanced diet based on cereals,fruits and vegetables can help provide body with all the essential nutrients necessary for survival.deficiency of various vitamins and mineral can exhibit a number of symptoms which might lead to mental and physical stress.

帮忙分析这段话中每个句子的语法,比如主谓宾了,是什么从句了,exercise,balanced diet can play an enormous part in reducing stress ,as well as help in maintaining body fitness.a number of times aches and pains complained in the n
Exercise, balanced diet and regular sleep pattern can play an enormous part in reducing stress, as well as help in maintaining body fitness.
Exercise, balanced diet and regular sleep pattern: 主语,锻炼、均衡的饮食和有规律的睡眠
can play an enormous part 谓语,能起到一个巨大的作用
in reducing stress, as well as help in maintaining body fitness. 状语,在减压以及帮助保持身体健康方面.

A number of times aches and pain complained in the neck, shoulder and back are a result of poor posture and mental tension.
A number of times aches and pain complained in the neck, shoulder and back --主语
其中complained in the neck, shoulder and back是过去分词短语,作后置定语修饰前面的aches and pain, times是aches and pain的定语,不是时间,而是多次的,经常性的意思.
are 谓语(系动词)
a result of poor posture and mental tension. 表语. 是...的结果,是由...引导的.
Performing some stretching exercises or regular exercise pattern can help you combat stress. Check out stretching exercises at WF Flexibility exercises for reliving stress. Similarly a healthy balanced diet based on cereals, fruits and vegetables can help provide body with all the essential nutrients necessary for survival. Deficiency of various vitamins and mineral can exhibit a number of symptoms which might lead to mental and physical stress.

下面的朋友翻译的还不错,其实这个段落的句子只有最后一个句子包含从句,包含了一个定语从句:which might lead to mental and physical stress修饰前面的SYMTOMS.其他句子都是简单句,不含从句。另外,想出的的,有几个句子用了过去分词的结构做了名词的后置定语,稍显的句子长了点,但这不能称为是从句。...


下面的朋友翻译的还不错,其实这个段落的句子只有最后一个句子包含从句,包含了一个定语从句:which might lead to mental and physical stress修饰前面的SYMTOMS.其他句子都是简单句,不含从句。另外,想出的的,有几个句子用了过去分词的结构做了名词的后置定语,稍显的句子长了点,但这不能称为是从句。






a number of times aches and pains complained in the neck, shoulder and back are a result of posture and mental tension. 


  • 主语:a number of times aches and pains complained in the neck, shoulder and back一些总是抱怨在脖颈、肩膀和后背部位的定期疼痛

  【核心主语】a number of times aches and pains

  【后置定语】complained in the neck, shoulder and back

  • 谓语:are a result of posture and mental tension. 是身体姿势和心理紧张(导致)的结果


Performing some stretching exercises or rugular exercise pattern can help you combat stress.


  • 主语:Performing some stretching exercises or regular exercise pattern 进行一些伸展活动或经常性的体操。【动名词短语】

  • 谓语:can help you combat stress可以帮助你解除紧张 

  【谓语动词】can help


  【宾补】combat stress(不带 to 的不定式)


Similarly a healthy balanced diet based on cereals,fruits and vegetables can help provide body with all the essential nutrients necessary for survival.


  • 状语:Similarly 

  • 主语:a healthy balanced diet based on cereals, fruits and vegetables 建立在谷物、水果和蔬菜基础上的健康的平衡膳食

  【核心主语】a healthy balanced diet

  【后置定语】based on cereals, fruits and vegetables

  • 谓语:can help provide body with all the essential nutrients necessary for survival. 可以有助于给身体提供所有生存所必须的基本营养

  【谓语动词】can help provide(help类似情态动词的用法)


  【方式状语】with all the essential nutrients.

  【后置定语】necessary for survival(形容词短语)


Deficiency of various vitamins and mineral can exhibit a number of symptoms which might lead to mental and physical stress.


  • 主语:Deficiency of various vitamins and mineral各种维生素和矿物质的缺乏

  • 谓语:can exhibit a number of symptoms which might lead to mental and physical stress. 可能会表现出许多导致精神和身体紧张的症状

  【谓语动词】can exhibit

  【宾语】a number of symptoms

  【定语从句】which might lead to mental and physical stress.