1 who_has the same idea as it will to do it in this way _答案为that 这是什么从句 这句话怎么翻译?2 with his work completed,the bussiness stepped back to his seat ,feeling pleased__ he was a man of action._答案为what 这又是什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 06:35:06
1 who_has the same idea as it will to do it in this way _答案为that 这是什么从句 这句话怎么翻译?2 with his work completed,the bussiness stepped back to his seat ,feeling pleased__ he was a man of action._答案为what 这又是什么
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1 who_has the same idea as it will to do it in this way _答案为that 这是什么从句 这句话怎么翻译?2 with his work completed,the bussiness stepped back to his seat ,feeling pleased__ he was a man of action._答案为what 这又是什么
1 who_has the same idea as it will to do it in this way _答案为that 这是什么从句 这句话怎么翻译?
2 with his work completed,the bussiness stepped back to his seat ,feeling pleased__ he was a man of action._答案为what 这又是什么从句 怎么翻译?

1 who_has the same idea as it will to do it in this way _答案为that 这是什么从句 这句话怎么翻译?2 with his work completed,the bussiness stepped back to his seat ,feeling pleased__ he was a man of action._答案为what 这又是什么
第2句:这里其实应该算是表语从句,在一个复合句中,从句作的是主语的表语成分.先分析下句子,主语是the bussiness,谓语动词stepped back,这样和前面的主句意思就一致了,意思是随着他的任务不断在完成中,任务步骤也会的回到了他的位置上,后面整个东西都是在解释这个his seat,所以这算是表语从句中插入定语从句,没有那个逗号的话句子就变为to his seat what made him feelinfing pleased as he was.(省略号部分你懂的)这样你就可以把后半句翻译出来,意思是一个令他满意的位置.这样整句话的意思你大致也清楚了:就是随着任务的进行,任务的发展也正如他所期望的,令他满意的位置.意思是差不多了,具体看情况在具体翻译.

1、that引导定语从句,who是疑问代词也是先行词,谓语动词应该是will to do。谁有着跟它一样的想法的将会以这种方式做这件事。


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