谁知道‘Do homework’为什么是不可数名词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:01:15
谁知道‘Do homework’为什么是不可数名词
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谁知道‘Do homework’为什么是不可数名词
谁知道‘Do homework’为什么是不可数名词

谁知道‘Do homework’为什么是不可数名词

你说的是homework是不可数名词吧 英语中homework规定就是不可数的

谁知道‘Do homework’为什么是不可数名词 what does peter do his homework 为什么是do help me do my homework中do为什么是原形 To do today's homework without teacher's help is difficult的主语为什么是to do today's homework? they have much homework to do.中为什么是to do?而不是do?什么是动词不定式?什么时候用动词不定式? He did nothing but do homework at home last night.为什么是do homework为什么是可数名词? Lucy always foegets to do her homework ,she is careless girl.为什么是is careless girl? My mother often makes me do my homework after supper(改为被动语态)老师讲的是I often made to do my homework after suooer.但是为什么是made to do my homework不是make do sth. Xiao Li does her homework after school every day.(改为否定句)Xiao Li doesn‘t do her homework after school.为什么是doesn't do? I do homework after school every day.(改为一般疑问句,做否定回答)为什么是Do,而不是Are。 i will do my english homework 谁知道翻译是什么? what are you going to do after finishing your homework?为什么是finishing?而不是fwhat are you going to do after finishing your homework?为什么是finishing?而不是finish? I usually do my homework but I ______watch TV this evening.这里为什么是might can不行吗 谁知道地球为什么是个球啊? 有学生一周只做一次家庭作业吗、 Does any student do his homework only once a week 答案为什么是这个啊 他每天不做他的家庭作业,为什么是he doesn't do his home work every day而不是 he doesn't does his homework every day 1、The students do their homework every day.Now they are doing their homework.中The students do,为什么是do,而不是does?2、—What are the students doing?—Some are reading and others are looking at the blackboard.为什么是reading和looki