
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:04:31
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Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin,Jr.KBE (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977),better known as Charlie Chaplin,was an Academy Award-winning English comedic actor and filmmaker.Chaplin became one of the most famous actors as well as a notable filmmaker,composer and musician in the early to mid "Classical Hollywood" era of American cinema.Chaplin acted in,directed,scripted,produced and eventually scored his own films as one of the most creative and influential personalities of the silent-film era.His working life in entertainment spanned over 65 years,from the Victorian stage and the Music Hall in the United Kingdom as a child performer almost until his death at the age of 88.His high-profile public and private life encompassed both adulation and controversy.With Mary Pickford,Douglas Fairbanks and D.W.Griffith,Chaplin co-founded United Artists in 1919.In a review of the book Chaplin:A Life (2008),Martin Sieff writes:"Chaplin was not just 'big',he was gigantic.In 1915,he burst onto a war-torn world bringing it the gift of comedy,laughter and relief while it was tearing itself apart through World War I.Over the next 25 years,through the Great Depression and the rise of Hitler,he stayed on the job.He was bigger than anybody.It is doubtful any individual has ever given more entertainment,pleasure and relief to so many human beings when they needed it the most." 翻译:查尔斯爵士斯宾塞卓别林小知识工程( 1889年4月16日- 12月25日1977年) ,被称为查理卓别林,是一个赢得奥斯卡奖的英国喜剧的演员和导演.卓别林成为最有名的演员以及有显着的导演,作曲家和音乐家在初期到中期“经典好莱坞”时代的美国cinema.Chaplin采取行动,指挥,策划,制作,并最终拿下了自己的电影之一最具创意和影响力的人士的无声电影时代.他的工作生活娱乐跨距超过65岁,来自维多利亚州的阶段和音乐厅在英国作为一个儿童演员几乎直到他去世,享年88岁.他的高知名度公共和私人生活中既包括奉承和争议.与玛丽皮克弗,道格拉斯费尔班克斯和DW格里菲斯,卓别林共同创立美国艺术家在1919.In审查书卓别林:人生( 2008年) ,马丁Sieff写道:“卓别林不仅是'大' ,他是巨大的.1915年,他突发到饱受战争蹂躏的世界带来了礼物,搞笑,笑声和救济虽然撕裂本身除了通过第一次世界大战在今后25年内,通过在经济大萧条和希特勒的崛起,他下榻对这项工作.他比任何人.这是令人怀疑的任何个人都给予更多的娱乐,高兴和救济如此众多的人当他们最需要的."