My mother was a_____with me because I didn't pass the exam咋做

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:41:33
My mother was a_____with me because I didn't pass the exam咋做
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My mother was a_____with me because I didn't pass the exam咋做
My mother was a_____with me because I didn't pass the exam咋做

My mother was a_____with me because I didn't pass the exam咋做


一.根据句意及首字母,补全单词1.Look at the cloud of different a_____ in the sky.2.He was here just a minute a_____.二.根据句意及所给单词完成下列各题1.Today is the city's _____(thousand) anniversary.2.My mother often _____( My mother was cooking at that time? mother unhappy my yesterday was怎么拼 I was glad that he didn't refure my invitation,he a_____ it. MY mother was born in___.That was the year of____. [英语首字母填空]很急!My husband was usually busy w_____ the work on the farm.However,when his mother ploned to say she was coming to visit us,he agreed to meet her at the r_______station.On the day she was to a_____,I gave him a list of thin My mother was cooking while I__________(do)my homework. 一、用所给次的适当形式填空1、 Mg mother is an_____(usual)woman.She achieves alot for my fami-ly2、Liu Hua is a_____(talent)singer.He also writes a lot of song.3、She started ice____(talent)when she was four.4、MY sister spends two ho My father is a_____ work. 上课铃响了 的英文怎么写还有 my father was reading while my mother was cooking 等于 my mother was cooking while my father was reading 英语翻译My mother’s mother,my grandmother Dolores,was known as Lola.怎么安排语序? ( )my father was reading a newspaper ,my( )my father was reading a newspaper ,my mother was watching TV 英语展望未来Full in the blanks with the proper forms;1 Can you kepp_____when you are in class?(wake)2 He's just cine back,_____?3 She was the only_____(survive)after the earthquake.4 My mother is a_____(respect)teacher.翻译:我不知道使 My teacher was a_____ with Bill.Zhou Jie is a h____ man.Many students like him.首字母填空 My mother was regarding me with a strange gentleness. my mother was ill yesterday,unluckily,she got____(ill)today My mother was born _____(at,in) a small town my mother got ____(burn)when she was cooking yesterday