
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:03:14
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Today,all over the world in varying degrees of financial liberalization,and large sums of "hot money" flows rapidly around the world,all kinds of financial derivatives in global financial institutions will be linked to deep-rooted,but also because of financial liberalization and economic the degree of globalization is very high,that makes the United States caused by the financial crisis,the global impact of the unprecedented result,at the same time,it spread to China's commercial banks assets.Financial innovation and financial development studies require the deepening of banking supervision.China's banking supervision more than a decade,only a history of regulatory practice for banks in the monitoring needs of the scientific theory.The overall objective of regulatory reform is the formation of the regulator and the win was good interaction between the regulator mechanism,so as to effectively prevent and resolve risks and safeguard the healthy development of the banking industry.Commercial banks on a timely and effective supervision has a very important theoretical and practical value.In this paper,mainly through the supervision of China's commercial banks on the relevant theory to discuss the financial crisis on the impact of China's commercial banks,more foreign banking supervision,supervision of commercial banks in China to explore the issue of effective supervision of commercial banks to improve the ways and measures analysis in order to speed up innovation in the commercial banking supervision and improve the content and manner of their supervision.

论文摘要当今,世界各地都处在不同程度的金融开放之中,大笔“热钱”在全球各地迅速流动,各种金融衍生品将全球金融机构盘根错节地联系在一起,也正因金融自由化和经济全球化的发展程度 世界各地不同的历法 论文的摘要怎么写 论文摘要的英语翻译!急求!务必人工翻译!摘要:在当今迅猛发展的经济大潮中,贸易壁垒对国际贸易的影响越来越严重。TBT(技术性贸易壁垒)成为国际贸易中继关税和非关税壁垒之后的重 中国社会当今处在的状态是一种怎样的状态? 数学建模论文的摘要怎么写? 论文中 引言与摘要的区别? 物理实验论文前的摘要是什么? 要如何写论文的摘要? 论文的摘要要怎么写? 论文的摘要,关键字,引文怎么写? 论文摘要是什么?论文摘要怎么写?有没有现成可以参考的例子!就是论文摘要范例之类的!最好是计算机类的论文摘要范例! 翻译:1.给多少小费取决于服务程度的好坏.2.当你去世界各地不同的地方时,了解各地的礼仪是很重要的.3.世界各地的人们对好的就餐礼仪有不同的看法. 为什么在世界各地,不同的语言,然而叫爸爸,妈妈的读音都类似的? 为什么在世界各地,不同的语言,然而叫爸爸,妈妈的读音都类似的? 此论文的摘要与关键词是什么论文的地址 求中英翻译高手,在线翻译的别来摘要 一个城市的形象, 包含了城市的园林绿化水平, 城市园林绿化从直观上反映了城市的文明程度、经济实力、生态环境状况、基础设施建设等.在当今飞速发 世界各地不同的节日用英文翻译