请问这究竟是状语还是介词宾语?He jumped with joy.with joy是原因状语还是介宾?He look at me.at me是目的状语还是介宾?He was consicous of it.of it是什么成分He comes from China.from China是来源状语还是介宾That

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 09:53:42
请问这究竟是状语还是介词宾语?He jumped with joy.with joy是原因状语还是介宾?He look at me.at me是目的状语还是介宾?He was consicous of it.of it是什么成分He comes from China.from China是来源状语还是介宾That
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请问这究竟是状语还是介词宾语?He jumped with joy.with joy是原因状语还是介宾?He look at me.at me是目的状语还是介宾?He was consicous of it.of it是什么成分He comes from China.from China是来源状语还是介宾That
He jumped with joy.
with joy是原因状语还是介宾?
He look at me.
at me是目的状语还是介宾?
He was consicous of it.
of it是什么成分
He comes from China.
from China是来源状语还是介宾
That depends on weather.
on weather是根据状语还是介宾
I don't believe in dream.
in dream是范畴状语还是介宾
I‘m not interested in music.
in music是什么成分


请问这究竟是状语还是介词宾语?He jumped with joy.with joy是原因状语还是介宾?He look at me.at me是目的状语还是介宾?He was consicous of it.of it是什么成分He comes from China.from China是来源状语还是介宾That
He jumped with joy.
with joy是状语
He looks at me.
at me 介宾?
He was consicous of it.
of it表语
He comes from China.
from China是状语
That depends on weather.
on weathe 介宾
I don't believe in dream.
in dream 介宾
I‘m not interested in music.
in music 状语,修饰intersted


He jumped with joy.
with joy 是状语,不是原因,不是介宾,只是表状态
He look at me.
look at 是动词短语,整体作为谓语,意为:看,me 作为动词的宾语,以下几句相同
He was consicous of it.
be consicous of 是动词短语,整体作为谓语,意为:意识到,it 作为动词的宾语


He jumped with joy.
with joy 是状语,不是原因,不是介宾,只是表状态
He look at me.
look at 是动词短语,整体作为谓语,意为:看,me 作为动词的宾语,以下几句相同
He was consicous of it.
be consicous of 是动词短语,整体作为谓语,意为:意识到,it 作为动词的宾语
He comes from China.
come from 是动词短语,整体作为谓语,意为:来自,China 作为动词的宾语
That depends on weather.
depend on 是动词短语,整体作为谓语,意为:取决于,weather 作为动词的宾语
I don't believe in dream.
believe in 是动词短语,整体作为谓语,意为:相信,dream 作为动词的宾语
I‘m not interested in music.
be interested in 是动词短语,整体作为谓语,意为:对……感兴趣,music 作为动词的宾语


请问这究竟是状语还是介词宾语?He jumped with joy.with joy是原因状语还是介宾?He look at me.at me是目的状语还是介宾?He was consicous of it.of it是什么成分He comes from China.from China是来源状语还是介宾That He lives in Beijing in Beijing 是地点状语这句话没有宾语 那为什么有人说这是介词宾语 那介词宾语不就是句子的宾语吗 但有人说介词宾语不一定是句子的宾语 不及物动词+介词+宾语 里面的 介词加宾语 是做整个句子的状语还是宾语啊 比如 i live in chinain china 到底是 状语还是宾语 介词宾语,目的状语,间接宾语之间的区别i bought a gift for her 中for her 是目的状语 还是 介词宾语 还是 间接宾语 He loves animals and he knows all about them.请问这句话的all about them语法该怎么分析?all是名词作谓语know的宾语吗?about them是介词短语修饰all作定语?还是know作谓语,about them介词短语作状语?all是副词修 请问英语语法高手,不及物动词+介词+宾语,到底是动词和宾语的关系,还是动词和状语He came into this room.这里到底是came into 接了其宾语 this room 还是into this room 是came的状语?类似的还有:Tom landed I go to school 句子成分?请问这个句子是 主谓宾(to school 介词短语作宾语) 还是 主谓状(to school 介词短语作状语) Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to England.请问to England是状语?直接宾语?间接宾语?介词短语?哪个对,如果是宾语,那the long distance也是宾语吗? He lives in London 是什么结构,主谓么,in London是地点状语,还是是 in London 介词短语做宾语in London是地点状语,还是是 in London 介词短语做宾语 还是2个都对in london 是状语 但它也是介词短语 做动词 l come here 请问here是做状语还是宾语? 不及物动词 加介词加宾语 是状语还是宾语比如i live in china.in china 到底是状语还是宾语 还是 这里 china 做介词in 的宾语而不是主句的宾语? He works in a factory 这句是不是没有宾语吖 in a factory 是地点状语 是不是地点状语可以由介词短语担当 但当意思没有在...时候 就算有介词短语也不是地点状语 He goes there.there是状语吗?为什么不是宾语?到底是there是状语还是宾语? 请问i'm good at swiming 中 AT SWIMING是作状语还是宾语 it's good for you中 for you 是作状语还是宾语像双宾语中 GIVE STH TO SB 中TO SB又是什么成分 是作状语么 还是 单单是介词加间接宾语 形容词可以有自己的 介词短语状语吗比如 open to you 中的to you 是宾语还是状语? be adj.+that从句 所带从句究竟是宾语从句还是什么?说点道道出来哦..还有be adj.prep 如be sure of sth 介词短语作状语? I acted as if he had never lived in England before这是宾语从句还是状语从句 不及物动词后面加介词再加宾语能不能看成是状语