1.Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the ____ movie could not hold our attention.A.three-hour B.three-hours'为什么不能选另外一个呢?2.Acting against his friend's advice,he _______ decided to attempt a nungee jumping.A.neve

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:41:40
1.Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the ____ movie could not hold our attention.A.three-hour B.three-hours'为什么不能选另外一个呢?2.Acting against his friend's advice,he _______ decided to attempt a nungee jumping.A.neve
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1.Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the ____ movie could not hold our attention.A.three-hour B.three-hours'为什么不能选另外一个呢?2.Acting against his friend's advice,he _______ decided to attempt a nungee jumping.A.neve
1.Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the ____ movie could not hold our attention.
A.three-hour B.three-hours'
2.Acting against his friend's advice,he _______ decided to attempt a nungee jumping.
A.nevertheless B.in spite of C.despite D.although
3.Through the centries the world would have made little progress________.
A.if creative thinkers will heed such counsel
B.than creative thinker heed such counsel
C.but are creative thinkers heeding such counsel
D.had creative thinkers heeded such counsel
4.She was so _____ in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.
A.absorbed B.concentrated

1.Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the ____ movie could not hold our attention.A.three-hour B.three-hours'为什么不能选另外一个呢?2.Acting against his friend's advice,he _______ decided to attempt a nungee jumping.A.neve
1.A 考点是复合形容词,复合形容词中名词一律单数,B改成three hours'就对了
2.A 从句意分析应该选转折副词
另外,本题可从词性上分析,B C均为介词词组,后方是谓语,不行;D是连词,选D则句子无主句.只有A是副词,修饰谓语.
had creative thinkers heeded such counsel 是 if creative thinkers had heeded such counsel 的倒装形式(前提需要省略if)
4.be concentrated on
be absorbed in 注意介词搭配

1选择A吧。A的答案three-hour 已经是形容词充当定语的成分,如果后面再加个's的话就略显多余,累赘了。所以A是最佳的。
2选择A,根据句意判断的,尽管他反对他朋友的建议,然而,他决定去尝试一下蹦极。(bungee jumping)
3选择A吧,是一种条件虚拟语气。表示对将来的虚拟。所以排除B和C。D选项中,如果是省略if的虚拟语气,应该把had提到句子的前面,Had ...


1选择A吧。A的答案three-hour 已经是形容词充当定语的成分,如果后面再加个's的话就略显多余,累赘了。所以A是最佳的。
2选择A,根据句意判断的,尽管他反对他朋友的建议,然而,他决定去尝试一下蹦极。(bungee jumping)
3选择A吧,是一种条件虚拟语气。表示对将来的虚拟。所以排除B和C。D选项中,如果是省略if的虚拟语气,应该把had提到句子的前面,Had creative thinkers heeded such counsel through the centries the world would have made little progress
4选择A,固定搭配,be absorbed in =be concentrated on专心致志于


1.A three-hour 这种形式相当于一个形容词

4. She was so _____ in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.
A. absorbed B. concentrated
be absorbed in --be concentrated on 专注于.... 它们搭配不同


4. She was so _____ in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.
A. absorbed B. concentrated
be absorbed in --be concentrated on 专注于.... 它们搭配不同
第一题:可以这么说:the three-hour movie 或the three hours' movie 这是名词所有格的如三分钟的路程可以说:a three-minute walk 或 a three minutes' walk
