希望能够由简单的说明,一定要保证正确,不要误导偶,51.Changes have been introduced to make the department _______ more efficiently.A.run B.act C.conduct D.operate52.Long hair was in fashion years ago while it is ________ now.A.out o

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:42:49
希望能够由简单的说明,一定要保证正确,不要误导偶,51.Changes have been introduced to make the department _______ more efficiently.A.run B.act C.conduct D.operate52.Long hair was in fashion years ago while it is ________ now.A.out o
xU]oE+I6i+T@ⅾGݻΌffm-A+$)~=%nE A?;3`!$־sws=vwVi|jyvzyjQ{vz~xjv|~d)oPpOFtFu)8#!E͍P:8A,tٰ=fj }(Ie hC%sdBIh 4pi@+]ᫎ>AG:( Sxu:>!=MĺޏPW?Iy6ҔejD8!LKBLAA}'I!bl UCjR"GGp܁ALHa {Emlʛ}b@K՞Dmqp*RȜHM9D\1Ш4vYP9=8F$/]q4ݩ`c8 XyWcAh䊤T$]wל& Oad:`\61&& oVz|֏𲴐UQ7O:{y0A11v\H Gy'BBkW5Z'<g2̏΁hPSKD -%c\ Fʮ ʌ U!].ZP4-,zVب~Nm5#]Ի_u7Xn6nuw(uo~l}=[>/>nhO>._-'/?_۴ {a{Чk0ڳs O

希望能够由简单的说明,一定要保证正确,不要误导偶,51.Changes have been introduced to make the department _______ more efficiently.A.run B.act C.conduct D.operate52.Long hair was in fashion years ago while it is ________ now.A.out o
51.Changes have been introduced to make the department _______ more efficiently.
A.run B.act C.conduct D.operate
52.Long hair was in fashion years ago while it is ________ now.
A.out of date B.after the fashion C.out of fashion D.in the old fashion
53.She is a very popular writer but I just don’t like her_______ .
A.fashion B.style C.type D.way
54.He is a(n) ________ soldier; it’s the only job he’s ever done.
A.professional B.career C.occupational D.vocational
55.If you could get that report finished by Thursday,I’d be very ________ .
A.helpful B.useful C.grateful D.meaningful
56.Nowadays more and more people ________ jogging to keep healthy.
A.take off B.take over C.take in D.take up
57.This kind of clothes is _________ in fashion now.
A.not long B.no more C.any more D.no longer
58.The headmaster has ________ several calls from angry parents.
A.received B.accepted C.gained D.admitted
59.The high cost of housing _______ that many young people can’t afford to buy a house.
A.shows B.means C.seems D.links
60.The boss ________ that the work (should) be finished by the middle of June.
A.pressed B.insisted C.explained D.practiced

希望能够由简单的说明,一定要保证正确,不要误导偶,51.Changes have been introduced to make the department _______ more efficiently.A.run B.act C.conduct D.operate52.Long hair was in fashion years ago while it is ________ now.A.out o
1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.B 你应该相信大学英语专业的水平吧?


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.B

希望能够由简单的说明,一定要保证正确,不要误导偶,51.Changes have been introduced to make the department _______ more efficiently.A.run B.act C.conduct D.operate52.Long hair was in fashion years ago while it is ________ now.A.out o 希望能够由简单的说明,一定要保证正确,不要误导偶,31.The murderer was sentenced to death even though he had admitted __________ the small boy.A.killing B.to have killedC.to kill D.by having killed32.We are looking forward to ______ 求助英语语法词汇选择题3希望能够由简单的说明,一定要保证正确,不要误导偶,谢谢!如果回答得好继续加分41. If you're bored with the trip to work, try _________ your route. A. making B. varying C. passing D. 英语翻译一定要保证正确 硫化物有哪些是沉淀?最好把所有金属的硫化物都说明,并且一定要保证100%正确. 《口技》中表示时间的词语一定要保证正确,急》. 资本主义制度的基本矛盾是什么?一定要保证正确呀. 希望能够有意思而且详细的说明! 不为无益之事,何以遣有涯之身希望能够正确的解答. 第四题,一定要详细,希望大家能够的回答 初一生物回答好评!一定要保证正确 邻补角的平分线互相垂直是真命题吗?邻补角的平分线互相垂直是真命题吗?一定要保证正确,不懂得就别说. 什么现象能够说明试管的水被植物根吸收?还有为了保证试管中水不散发到空气中需要怎么做? 谁知道如何“开方啊?一定要正确的!简单易懂与一定要正确啊! 磁场方向由什么决定由电流方向决定吗?让我心服口服,我会加悬赏.但是老师说不是这样的,你能决对保证吗,希望你能够更理论化点让我消除疑问. 简单地叙述能够说明一个道理的小故事 显示器的性能指标有哪些?希望能够详细说明!谢谢 人体生物电是指什么.希望能够具体的说明.