英语翻译Hello dear Taylor and Clarke,We are so very pleased you emailed us.;-) We were wondering how you were all getting along?We think of you 4 boys often.We are happy you are all well and would love to see some photos of you with your family a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:55:46
英语翻译Hello dear Taylor and Clarke,We are so very pleased you emailed us.;-) We were wondering how you were all getting along?We think of you 4 boys often.We are happy you are all well and would love to see some photos of you with your family a
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英语翻译Hello dear Taylor and Clarke,We are so very pleased you emailed us.;-) We were wondering how you were all getting along?We think of you 4 boys often.We are happy you are all well and would love to see some photos of you with your family a
Hello dear Taylor and Clarke,
We are so very pleased you emailed us.;-) We were wondering how you were all getting along?We think of you 4 boys often.
We are happy you are all well and would love to see some photos of you with your family and school friends?We will email some pictures to you too very soon.
Since you came to England,we have since had a group of 5 chinese student girls,who were very noisy and very messy!
At the moment we have 2 'long term' 18 year old chinese boys,staying with us until next July.They are studying their 'A' levels.They are very nice and polite and their english names are Bruce and Peter.They have made us try some very strange food like moon cake made from shark fin and we also tried snake!yuk yuk yuk!
We are expecting 2 more boys to come for 2 weeks in January too.
We had an email from cathy (the teacher) and mrs chang,a few weeks ago.Cathy said you all had a nice time in England.;-))
If ever you come back to England,for a holiday or study,we would love it if you stayed with us.Your family are welcome to stay aswell.
George is doing very well.It has started raining a bit more now we are in autumn,and George hates going out for his walks in the rain!
We have 5 more pets now!5 baby African land snails!NOT TO EAT!haha.
Baby granddaughter Lilly is doing very well.she has got lots of teeth now!
Remember our friend Trevor,who lives across the road from us,he also has 2 long term students at the moment,2 girls.
We have seen on the news,all the terrible floods that have happened in China.we were very sad to see that and we hope that you were not affected by this?
We would love to hear from you again very soon.Take care.Lots of love
Aunty Lisa and Uncle Charlie.xxx
p.s.Charlie says.TEDDY BEAR!hahahah.x

英语翻译Hello dear Taylor and Clarke,We are so very pleased you emailed us.;-) We were wondering how you were all getting along?We think of you 4 boys often.We are happy you are all well and would love to see some photos of you with your family a
同时,我们也有2个在这里长住的18岁中国男孩,会一直住到明年7月.他们正在学习他们“A”级别课程.他们很好而且彬彬有礼,他们的英文名字是布鲁斯(Bruce)和彼得(Peter).他们常常让我们尝试一些非常奇怪的食物,像用鱼翅做的月饼,我们甚至还吃了蛇肉 哈哈哈哈!
几周前,我们也收到了一封来自凯西(Cathy)(老师)和张女士的电子邮件.凯西说你们在英国过得非常愉快 ;-))
我们现在有了5只新宠物!5只刚出生的非洲大陆蜗牛 !不过绝对不是用来吃的!哈哈!
我孙女莉莉( Lilly )还是个婴儿,她也很乖.她现在已经长出许多牙齿了!
丽莎阿姨和查理叔叔 亲吻你们

我们感到很高兴你通过电子邮件发送我们。 ;-)我们都知道你是怎样相处?我们认为你的4个男孩频繁。




我们感到很高兴你通过电子邮件发送我们。 ;-)我们都知道你是怎样相处?我们认为你的4个男孩频繁。



我们从凯蒂(老师)和夫人张,几个星期前的电子邮件。凯蒂说你都曾经在英格兰度过美好时光。 ;-))



我们有5个宠物吧! 5婴儿非洲土地蜗牛!不要吃!哈哈。





丽莎阿姨和叔叔查理。 xxx
