The price of tomatoes has ___(rise)recently.The price of the tomatoes has ___(raise)recently.不是现在完成时吗?答案为什么是rose和rised,而不是risen和raising题目的The price of the tomatoes has ___(raise)recently.我打少了一

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:43:11
The price of tomatoes has ___(rise)recently.The price of the tomatoes has ___(raise)recently.不是现在完成时吗?答案为什么是rose和rised,而不是risen和raising题目的The price of the tomatoes has ___(raise)recently.我打少了一
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The price of tomatoes has ___(rise)recently.The price of the tomatoes has ___(raise)recently.不是现在完成时吗?答案为什么是rose和rised,而不是risen和raising题目的The price of the tomatoes has ___(raise)recently.我打少了一
The price of tomatoes has ___(rise)recently.
The price of the tomatoes has ___(raise)recently.
题目的The price of the tomatoes has ___(raise)recently.我打少了一个been,的确是
The price of the tomatoes has been___(raise)recently

The price of tomatoes has ___(rise)recently.The price of the tomatoes has ___(raise)recently.不是现在完成时吗?答案为什么是rose和rised,而不是risen和raising题目的The price of the tomatoes has ___(raise)recently.我打少了一
2.第二题应该填 been raised.土豆价格最近已经 被 提高了.
rise 不能用于被动,说的是“价格高了”
而raise 应该用被动,说的是“人(商家)提高了价格”
不能用risen和raising 是因为前面已经有了has,而且后面还有recently——这些都提示你要用完成时.recently只跟完成时搭配.
The price of tomatoes is rising.
The price of tomatoes is been raising.