To get the job started,______ I need is your permission.To get the job started,__c____ I need is your permission.A.only what B.all what C.all that D.only that 这是什么句型?定语从句?为什么填 all that 不是说非限定性定语从句不

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:50:10
To get the job started,______ I need is your permission.To get the job started,__c____ I need is your permission.A.only what B.all what C.all that D.only that 这是什么句型?定语从句?为什么填 all that 不是说非限定性定语从句不
xMSFǿʞzis KOgd`udGfB6/n@@LD+'BU2LN-fU27# #^YxHܓ?.)5[tH:YuMfk7}qZcU [Zȥ'B?6^1_ga*xݫSEۛ oO v&۝?@z`0۵)r2h$OJE|ȘBsv1됼 &R¢-٢m⭂i/4uMJsI3g1%V.|Ɯ²DWQ&JE|fnͱ,EFGfV\7Hm1SڐʽUL }*ɴ癓=tS*P+'FɔƺȐu e` " 9j;e|Nm&uMAI ̃kBN)b[-o-bIu0(p9x K ˼/e,/R-=R06Lc0#gG# (Sɉd~E~.~+-@$qR 7fBDE*ޯfZ8Gy Sj}'>M 6V4~e;`<,;5ha7<! _mu~F>݄e0? _ǃ9,^=hJ= jK*m(y{ū{=,i"-8X[~AXW~{>RZr&ڭs v1,I1ml'J,EFN ]mgqZ[ w>|ߩ"˃AU8\=khP3Ds'ć7'5L5_i7m$IVS'^-;xz d SŽDdEMRJ@yFm["6"Pʝzj!heICqI7W4S nh +r~|Ǐ_;u\S6!E x; r|

To get the job started,______ I need is your permission.To get the job started,__c____ I need is your permission.A.only what B.all what C.all that D.only that 这是什么句型?定语从句?为什么填 all that 不是说非限定性定语从句不
To get the job started,______ I need is your permission.
To get the job started,__c____ I need is your permission.
A.only what B.all what C.all that D.only that
这是什么句型?定语从句?为什么填 all that 不是说非限定性定语从句不能用that吗?
The policemen were sure that the murderer was the man _b____ gun was found
lying beside the dead body.A.who had B.whose C.which D.of whom a
Nearly all the food ______ comes from animals and plants.
A.that eat eaten C.we eat D.that eats
I will give you such information __B_____ will help you.
A.which B.that D.what
These days __A___ we spent together cannot be easily forgotten.
A.that B.when C.on which which
Do you understand the theory ______
A.that how the living things came into being did the living things come into being
C.of how the living things come into being
D.of how did the living things come into being

To get the job started,______ I need is your permission.To get the job started,__c____ I need is your permission.A.only what B.all what C.all that D.only that 这是什么句型?定语从句?为什么填 all that 不是说非限定性定语从句不
3.C 此处all the food是先行词,引导词that在定语从句we eat中作eat的宾语,故可以把that省略.剩下了we eat.

这句不是非限制性定语从句,是一般的句子,all that=what

  1. all that=what,此处引导主语从句,不定式做目的状语

  2. 警察确定尸体旁的枪就是凶手的。

  3. C 几乎所有我们的食物都来源于动物和植物。  Nearly all the food (that)we eat、、、that引导定语从句在句中...


    1. all that=what,此处引导主语从句,不定式做目的状语

    2. 警察确定尸体旁的枪就是凶手的。

    3. C 几乎所有我们的食物都来源于动物和植物。  Nearly all the food (that)we eat、、、that引导定语从句在句中做宾语成分,被省略。


unable to start print job preparations to get the business off to a good start get the engine to start?在一本书上看到 get the engine to start(开动机器)为什么是to start而不是started? 求一遍英语作文 how to get the job 怎么翻译He is not likely to get the job. I can't get the car to start还是I can't get the car started. what are the things do you consider when you start to look for a job? I am to have the chace to get the job 有这种说法吗 英语翻译这一段是英译汉:1.Teaching people how to get good jobs is not the answer.Why would your parents invest so much money to educate you to go out and get a job when you can have your own business?You could start into a lot of business a job is a job a job is a job and if people are offering to help you you shouldn't turn them need to start somewhere and as soon as you have one job it makes it easier to get another,better,job.请帮我翻译下全部这几句话的意 get off to a slow start To try to get the job,write a letter with information on these topics James wanted to get the job, so he went to have an i____________咋填 Get rid of the burden and let it go.There is a life about to start we couldn't get the truck to start一定表示过去时吗? If you want ____you have to get the fund somwwhereA.the job to be done B.the job doing have done the job D.the job being done What can you do now in order to get the job in the future是什么意思 Tom lose ___ heart after he failed to get the job in the newspaper office?