He ------ -------French while he was staying in Paris .(他在巴黎学会了法语)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:57:47
He ------ -------French while he was staying in Paris .(他在巴黎学会了法语)

He ------ -------French while he was staying in Paris .(他在巴黎学会了法语)
He ------ -------French while he was staying in Paris .(他在巴黎学会了法语)

He ------ -------French while he was staying in Paris .(他在巴黎学会了法语)
picked up

/freʃ/是什么单词 fre后面选什么(sh th ch) 英语好的来帮忙 (完形填空)第一个回答的 Tom 1 a middle school student.He likes 2 football.He also likes watching football matches.As he hasn’t enough(足够的) money to buy tickets,lie has to 3 them on TV at home if he 4 fre 翻译一段文章Dr.Martin Luther King was a great man who worked for racial equality(种族平等)and civil rights(民权)in the United States.He was born on january 15th,1929.When he grew older,he was told that he could not play with his fre LifeProof fre iphone5手机壳,可以在水中触屏吗 iphone5 lifeproof fre 它防水,但防不防水蒸气 1.light _(go) 2 I can see some ( )(play) on the play ground.3 l1.light _(go)faster than sound.2 I can see some ( )(play) on the play ground.3 he ___(do)look well when I saw her last time .4 after the meeting ,we will have a party ,if you ____(be) fre MON,TUE,DIE,WED,MIT,THU,DON,FRI,FRE,SAT,SAM,SUN 这些简写表社么意思? iphone5 lifeproof fre 手机壳能长时间防水,我想知道它能不能防水蒸气 r;t?sty;s?lty;fre?;h?lthy.(问号里填字母,变成单词.) can you send me a Fre G a t ggxyjk@126.com many thanks fre = TH0*256+TL0是什么意思fre=TH0*256+TL0是频率计数器程序中的写法,请问这个写法的作用是什么 把定时器0中的值读出,16进制转换为10进制? 谁能帮我翻译一下 这个.感激不尽 Gone,so I do not need love.Do you like what I knew to go see fre [kaɪt ] [ǀɑ:st] [kɑ:d] [faɪv] [sɪks] [bɜ:d] [ʃɔ:t] [freʃ]怎么写 he he He 根据音标写单词/’fʌnl/( )/freʃ/( )/‘træflk/( )/spraut/( )/’æŋgrl/( )/’stju:dənt/( )/‘si:zən/( )