
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:46:27
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In recent years,various types of mass injury or mass death occurred frequently during fire emergencies.How to ensure safe and quick evacuation of the people trapped in fire has become a major task that has been put on important agenda.The successful invention of the cushioned land machine has opened up new possibilities for solving this problem.Electric motors are needed to provide power for this landing machine when in operation.But the electric motors have relatively high spinning speed and relatively short torque,so the outlet of the motor cannot be connected directly to electromagnetic clutch.Deceleration and increasing the torque are needed before the outlet can be connected to the inlet of the clutch.Usually decelerator is used as the connecting device between electric motor and the electromagnetic clutch in normal designs.In this design,prickle tooth-cylindraceous gear decelerator is used as the connecting device to pass on the power provided by motor to the electromagnetic clutch.The electromagnetic clutch connects to the cushioned landing machine through its landing rope at the top of the landing machine.The tension sensor on the landing machine can detect any changes in tension on the landing machine and pass on this information to the receptive card and the micro-computer control system.A speedometer is built onto the motor to detect any changes in speed of the motor.

In recent years, various types of fire frequent accidents, how to ensure effective and quickly trapped the fire evacuation, safety to escape the increasingly important issue mentioned in this importan...


In recent years, various types of fire frequent accidents, how to ensure effective and quickly trapped the fire evacuation, safety to escape the increasingly important issue mentioned in this important agenda. Lower life-saving relief to the successful development of devices, in order to address staff opened a new escape path. In the design process, powered by the motor. Motor speed and high torque transmission is smaller, it can not be the motor output shaft and an electromagnetic clutch input shaft directly linked, would be subject to slow down the process by twisting, and then with the electromagnetic clutch input shaft connection. In the design,
Generally used as a motor reducer and the link between the work unit. In this design, the use conical teeth - do cylindrical gear reducer connection device, the power to motor through the electromagnetic clutch transmission reducer. Electromagnetic clutch through the bypass in its top rope with ease down ease down disk linked ease tension with the drop sensor disk, measured through the sensor plate through the ease of pulling down the changes, passed to the acquisition card and computer control systems. Equipped with a gun in the motor generator to determine the motor speed changes.


In recent years, the dead group group wound accident frequently happens in conflagration of all kinds , how to swear to be fled for one's life effective , speedy with the conflagration by sleepy perso...


In recent years, the dead group group wound accident frequently happens in conflagration of all kinds , how to swear to be fled for one's life effective , speedy with the conflagration by sleepy personnel dispersion , safety, this one key subjects comes up to mention the important agenda gradually. Lifesaving developing postponing conquering an implement is successful, be resolve a personnel fleeing for one's life having opened up a new approach. In the process designing that, need to provide driving force from the electric motor. The electric motor rotation rate is higher but , hereditary revolution regulation is then less , bind with directly therefore the can not an electric motor be exported axis and electromagnetism clutch import an axis, must twist process process reducing the speed , increasing , import axis linkup again with electromagnetism clutch. Linkup device between the electric motor and working machine designing that middle , the sort adopt reduction gear to accomplish. In the device designing middle originally , adopt cone tooth- column gear wheel reduction gear to make linkup,the electric motor driving force is transferred to electromagnetism clutch by reduction gear. The electromagnetism clutch is bound with by the fact that postponing winding on whose higher authority conquering a rope and postponing conquering a set , is postpones conquering the set jacket having the pulling force sensor , is changes by the fact that the sensor determines the pulling force by postponing conquering a set's , is transfers being collected the card and PC navar. Have measuring the fast generator in electric motor jacket, change determining the electric motor rotation rate.


In recent years, various types of fire Casualties frequent accidents, how to ensure effective and quickly trapped the fire evacuation, safety to escape the increasingly important issue mentioned in th...


In recent years, various types of fire Casualties frequent accidents, how to ensure effective and quickly trapped the fire evacuation, safety to escape the increasingly important issue mentioned in this important agenda. Lower life-saving relief to the successful development of devices, in order to address staff opened a new escape path. In the design process, powered by the motor. Motor speed and high torque transmission is smaller, it can not be the motor output shaft and an electromagnetic clutch input shaft directly linked, would be subject to slow down the process by twisting, and then with the electromagnetic clutch input shaft connection. In the design,
Generally used as a motor reducer and the link between the work unit. In this design, the use conical teeth - do cylindrical gear reducer connection device, the power to motor through the electromagnetic clutch transmission reducer. Electromagnetic clutch through the bypass in its top rope with ease down ease down disk linked ease tension with the drop sensor disk, measured through the sensor plate through the ease of pulling down the changes, passed to the acquisition card and computer control systems. Equipped with a gun in the motor generator to determine the motor speed changes.


In recent years, various types of fire Casualties frequent accidents, how to ensure effective and quickly trapped the fire evacuation, safety to escape the increasingly important issue mentioned in th...


In recent years, various types of fire Casualties frequent accidents, how to ensure effective and quickly trapped the fire evacuation, safety to escape the increasingly important issue mentioned in this important agenda. Lower life-saving relief to the successful development of devices, in order to address staff opened a new escape path. In the design process, powered by the motor. Motor speed and high torque transmission is smaller, it can not be the motor output shaft and an electromagnetic clutch input shaft directly linked, would be subject to slow down the process by twisting, and then with the electromagnetic clutch input shaft connection. In the design,
Generally used as a motor reducer and the link between the work unit. In this design, the use conical teeth - do cylindrical gear reducer connection device, the power to motor through the electromagnetic clutch transmission reducer. Electromagnetic clutch through the bypass in its top rope with ease down ease down disk linked ease tension with the drop sensor disk, measured through the sensor plate through the ease of pulling down the changes, passed to the acquisition card and computer control systems. Equipped with a gun in the motor generator to determine the motor speed changes.


英语翻译近年来,各类火灾中群死群伤事故频繁发生,如何保证有效、快速地将火灾被困人员疏散、安全逃生,这一重大课题日益提到重要日程上来.救生缓降器的研制成功,为解决人员逃生开辟 怎样才能减少各类事故的发生? 预防火灾爆炸事故的基本原则是什么? 中小学生如何预防火灾和溺水事故 从事故范围角度出发,电力系统事故可分几类?各类事故的含义是什么? 英语翻译这些事件分别是:盘点世界十大恐怖核泄漏,三哩岛事件,帕洛玛雷核事故,切尔诺贝利核电厂泄露事故,图勒核泄漏事故,英国温德斯格尔火灾,巴西戈亚尼亚铯-137事件,俄罗斯 近年来我国环境污染事故频发的原因及控制措施 我国近年来发生过哪些大型森林火灾 英语翻译火灾造成严重的人员伤亡和财产损失,通过这些事故,我们应该知道合理用电和用火,吸完烟后把烟熄灭,这样可以尽量减少火灾的发生! 电焊引起火灾与爆炸事故的原因有哪些? 电焊引起火灾与爆炸事故的原因有哪些? 一个小烟头引发大火灾的事故有那些 焊接作业中发生火灾、爆炸事故的原因 各类学科的书籍英语翻译 电缆隧道火灾事例越详细越好 急用! 要近期的最好电缆火灾 和隧道火灾的事故. 英语翻译近年来,雷电灾害事故频繁发生,给国家和人民生命财产安全造成了极大损失.2005年更是雷电灾害事故多事之秋,我市全年发生雷电灾害事故50余起,造成数十人伤亡,直接经济损失数百万 百幕魔鬼大三角 这近年来有事故发生吗是这近年来 不是19年的时候 一段汉翻英,求助英语翻译达人公交卫士- 智能超声波车窗破碎器作为人员密集型的交通运输工具——公交车,近年来频发交通安全事故导致众多人员伤忙暴露其存在很大安全隐患.事故发生时,