We go to the old people's home___their rooms once a month.A.to clean B.clean C.cleaned D.cleans

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:13:02
We go to the old people's home___their rooms once a month.A.to clean B.clean C.cleaned D.cleans
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We go to the old people's home___their rooms once a month.A.to clean B.clean C.cleaned D.cleans
We go to the old people's home___their rooms once a month.A.to clean B.clean C.cleaned D.cleans

We go to the old people's home___their rooms once a month.A.to clean B.clean C.cleaned D.cleans
A.to clean
go to ...to do ...,用to+动词原形表目的.意思是去某地做某事.

(We 主语)(go to the old people's home谓语)(___their rooms 目的状语)(once a month时间状语)我们一月去一次敬老院打扫卫生。.