
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 12:07:21
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关键词:农村留守老人 空巢老人 农村劳动力转移 养老保障

China has become one of the countries of the aging of the population,the aging population in rural areas accounts for more than 70%,combined with over the years,the rural pension dependent on household income and land income,social security in rural areas is almost a blank,old-age security in rural areas has become a significantsocial problems.On this basis,with the accelerated process of urbanization,a large number of rural surplus labor to the city,exacerbated by the difficulty of the rural pension.Left to jealously guarding the rural elderly are known as empty-nesters in rural areas.With the acceleration of urbanization process and the intensification of China's aging,old-age security in rural areas face serious challenges.This paper attempts by the Situation Analysis of empty-nesters in rural areas,to find some solutions and recommendations for the improvement of the rural old-age security system.
Keywords:left-behind rural elderly empty-nesters transfer of rural labor old-age security

China has become one of the aging of the population countries, including rural ageing population already accounts for more than seventy percent, and for many years, rural endowment mainly depends on f...


China has become one of the aging of the population countries, including rural ageing population already accounts for more than seventy percent, and for many years, rural endowment mainly depends on family income and land income, the rural social security almost become a blank, rural old-age support security has become a significant social problems. On this basis, with the acceleration of urbanization, many of the surplus labor force in rural areas is transferred to the city, is a intensifies the rural endowment is the difficulty of the problem. To stay alone the old man keep rural is called the "old man. With the acceleration of urbanization and the aging of the our country intensifies, rural old-age support security problems facing serious challenges. This paper attempts to the "old man's problem present condition analysis, find some solution, for the rural old-age security system consummation put forward some Suggestions.


Population aging in China has become one of the country, including rural ageing population has accounted for more than 70%, for many years, rely mainly on the family income for the aged in rural area ...


Population aging in China has become one of the country, including rural ageing population has accounted for more than 70%, for many years, rely mainly on the family income for the aged in rural area and land revenue, almost a blank status of social security in rural areas, rural old-age security has become a significant social problem. On this basis, along with the accelerated process of urbanization, is a large rural surplus labor transfer cities, compounded the difficulty of rural old-age problem. Left alone to keep the rural elderly are referred to as empty nest elderly in rural areas. Along with the accelerated process of urbanization and ageing, rural old-age security problem facing serious challenges.


China has become an aging population is one of the countries, which account for more than 70% of rural ageing population, and over the years, the rural old-age rely mainly on family income and land in...


China has become an aging population is one of the countries, which account for more than 70% of rural ageing population, and over the years, the rural old-age rely mainly on family income and land income, rural social security is almost a blank state, rural endowment insurance has become a significant social problem. On this basis, with the city changes a course accelerate, rural many surplus labor force shifts to the city, more intensified the rural old-age problem. Stay alone in rural old person is referred to as the empty nest elderly in rural areas. Change as the city and accelerate the process of China's aging, the problem of rural old-age security faces serious challenges. The article tries to pass pair of empty nest elderly in rural areas the problem current situation analysis, find out some solutions for rural pension system, some suggestions for the perfection of.
Keywords: rural elderly of empty nest elderly in rural labor transfer security


英语翻译我国已成为人口老龄化的国家之一,其中农村老龄人口已占七成以上,加之多年以来,农村养老主要依赖家庭收入和土地收入,农村社会保障几乎成为空白状态,农村养老保障已成为一个 英语翻译随着人口老龄化程度的不断提高,我国老年人口数量和老龄化的速度在世界居前位.人口老龄化带来的一系列社会问题使健全和发展社会养老保障成为必不可少的解决养老问题的一个 德国步入了老龄化怎么翻译,德语翻译还有:经过几十年的发展已成为名副其实的福利国家典范,并且摸索出了一套应对人口老龄化的方案.、社会矛盾严重激化 如何翻译.希望各位大侠翻译得 英语翻译中国即将面对人口老龄化的巨大压力.人口老龄化对我国社会养老提出了严峻挑战.在人口老龄化压力下的社会养老保险基金管理面临突出的问题,研究社会养老保险基金管理模式具有 人口老龄化的影响 人口老龄化的危害 人口老龄化的危害 英语翻译现阶段中国正处于经济深化改革和加快建设小康社会时期,伴随着人口老龄化,农村养老问题凸显,农村养老保障已成为政府当前迫切需要面对和解决的问题.解决农村养老保障问题,首 为什么我国成为世界上季风气候最显著的国家之一? 哪个国家人口老龄化最严重 中国人口老龄化的特征? 对人口老龄化的认识 人口老龄化的意义是什么? 造成人口老龄化的原因 我国已步入老龄化时期,目前60岁以上的人口占总人口10%,以13亿人口计算,那么60岁以上的老人会有多少人? 判断题:我国是最早进入人口老龄化社会的发展中国家之一 中国人口已经出现老龄化与少子化并存的结构特征,测算显示中国是世界上人口老龄化速度最快的国家之一,再不实施“放开二胎”新政策,整个社会将会出现一系列的问题.若某地区2012年人口 我国的人口老龄化问题给社会的发展所带来的影响有哪些