bird's nest 为什么不是birds' nest为什么呢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:45:22
bird's nest 为什么不是birds' nest为什么呢

bird's nest 为什么不是birds' nest为什么呢
bird's nest 为什么不是birds' nest

bird's nest 为什么不是birds' nest为什么呢
= =.声明.小弟才高二...绝对不对就不要信了.
bird's nest .和birds' nest.意义上是有区别的.birds' nest就是不止一只鸟的巢的意思了.
one year‘s wait.two years’ wait

bird's nest 为什么不是birds' nest为什么呢 为什么鸟巢译成bird's nest难道 苹果树 要译成 apple's tree我个人认为 应该是 bird nest 为什么燕窝的英语直接是bird's nest,却没有swallow这个词? The 2008 Olympic Stadium ,__like a bird's nest ,makes us think about nature .为什么选looking呢? I have to find a way to climb the tree and reach the nest.bird's nest的中文意思? spend,take 的用法区别这里有一题how long will it to build the bird's nest?(中间空填选项)1.spend2.take为什么要填take?不是有 spend time doing sth spend 不是也可以用于时间的么? Many people come to Beijing _____ (visit) the Bird's Nest(鸟巢). 国家体育中心“鸟巢”用英语怎么说?难道是bird’s nest吗? 求一篇英语阅读The Bird's Nest 及翻译.要具体 ---What's this ____ in English.----The Bird C.on the bird's nest is only a little years old这句话有错么 but he does not know where the bird nest is.后面为什么带is? 奥运体育馆鸟巢用英语怎么说啊?以前老外说跟我说过,好象不是bird's nest,郁闷~现在想不起来了!那Olympic Sports stadium是特指鸟巢吗? Bir The bird built ( )nest the tree.its 英语翻译4.你听说过国家体育场“鸟巢”吗?______________________________ Beijing National Stadium,known as the Bird’s Nest? who和that怎么运用 The stadium is for the Olympic Games,It is like a bird's nest. We visited some stadiums of Olympics and spent the last few bright days in the Bird's Nest翻译汉语