The professor ________the case where students of English could make mistakes in learning English.A.made a survey of B. made a list of答案选B,可是为什么不用made a survey of?哦,错了,是为什么不用made a list of ?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 18:35:45
The professor   ________the case where students of English could make mistakes in learning English.A.made a survey of  B. made a list of答案选B,可是为什么不用made a survey of?哦,错了,是为什么不用made a list of ?
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The professor ________the case where students of English could make mistakes in learning English.A.made a survey of B. made a list of答案选B,可是为什么不用made a survey of?哦,错了,是为什么不用made a list of ?
The professor ________the case where students of English could make mistakes in learning English.
A.made a survey of B. made a list of
答案选B,可是为什么不用made a survey of?
哦,错了,是为什么不用made a list of ?

The professor ________the case where students of English could make mistakes in learning English.A.made a survey of B. made a list of答案选B,可是为什么不用made a survey of?哦,错了,是为什么不用made a list of ?
survey是调查的意思,就是教授在调查这个case,list是展示表单清单什么的,比如make a shopping list

made a list of the case 是指做一个案例清单
made a survey of the case 是指调查案例

1.用made a list of就是:教授将学生平时喜欢犯的英文错误列成了清单。
2.用made a survey of就是:教授对学生平时喜欢犯的英文错误进行了调查。

应该是列了清单,make a list of
而make a survey of是做调查

The instrument ____ was not in the laboratory.A.which the professor referred which the professor referred which the professor referred to usD.which the professor referred to us The students in Class Three listened ____ to the lecture given by professor Li yesterday.(attend) ____ professor and ____ writer is still in our city. A.The;the B.A;a C.The;/ The Professor音标?RT The old man ____(whom/that)teaches chemistry in a college is a professor. 翻译并填空:The professor put down the papers .That is exactly what I ____,he said . 25.________ and the lecture began.a.In the professor comes b.In the professor comes c.In came the professor d.In comes the professor 26.The old woman is ________ composer as any good a b.such good a a good good a 27.He has ____ The professor ____ will be here talked aboutB.talking be talked aboutD.being talked about The professor reminded me of what I would ____ have forgotten.A therefore B however C otherwise professor The professor was asked to write an article for the newspaper ,____ about the left-behind children in the countryside.A any B one C that D it THE PROFESSOR AND THE MADMAN怎么样 We agreed to accept ____ they thought was the best professor in the collegeA.whatever B.whomeverC.whichever C.whoever选啥.原因.. We agreed to accept ____ they thought was the best professor in the collegeA.whatever B.whomeverC.whichever C.whoever选啥.原因.. Who is the husband of professor Xuyoucai ? 飞天老爷车 THE ABSENT MINDED PROFESSOR怎么样 The professor wrote an e_____ on Homer whereis the professor from?回答是什么?