英文句子 I could not have done this without you为什么要+have?和I could not done this without you有什分别?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:46:08
英文句子 I could not have done this without you为什么要+have?和I could not done this without you有什分别?
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英文句子 I could not have done this without you为什么要+have?和I could not done this without you有什分别?
英文句子 I could not have done this without you
和I could not done this without you有什分别?

英文句子 I could not have done this without you为什么要+have?和I could not done this without you有什分别?
have done 是完成时嘛··
而句子想要表的的意思应该是 没有你我是不能做成这个事的·既然是做成这事·当然应该用完成时
嗯·个人意见 仅供参考


I could not have done this without you
I could not done this without you

could not have done 本不能做
should have done 本应该做,而没做
could have done 本可以做到,却没做

have done 表完成,句意为没有你,我不能完成这个。
不能是chould not done 应该为could not do without u 应该也可以。

have done 是表示已经完成的动作
I could not have done this without you意味着已经做了这件事。
I could not done this without you中done 应该为do。即:I could not do this without you表示还未做这件事

I could not have done this without you.我没有你不可能做完这个。could not have done 表示对过去所发生的事情的推测,could not done 只表示不能做某事。用于过去时。


翻译一个英文句子“Thing lost never come again ”I could not help talking to myself 英文句子 I could not have done this without you为什么要+have?和I could not done this without you有什分别? I could not bear I could not catch 英文 我从来没有这样享受过我从来没有这样享受过 用情态动词 (我是知道是不是用could not have done)我想知道是不是用could not have done有四个选项A should not have done B need not have done C would not hav 关于虚拟语气的句子辨析.请看下面三组句子:1.If I have money,I will buy a car.If I could have money,I would buy a car.2.If I am rich,I will help you.If I were rich,I would help you.3.If I have time tomorrow,I will go.If I should hav 谁能提供《Because I Could Not Stop For Death 》这首诗的英文赏析?英文赏析 I could not forget I could not forget i could not get it 英文句子改错:but it was strange that we could not open the door i could not make myself understood in engish 这个句子中的could是谓语动词,为什么不是make I can(not) imagine that they could (not) finish it in such a short time上面句子中的not 应该放在can后面还是could后面为什么? I could not help but laugh.句子中but是什么词性?什么用法? i did not tell you XIAOWANG could do the job.句子陈分咋画 英文改写!It was very hot.I could not sleep last night(用so...that改写) When I miss you .I could not 求 高中英语 人教版 选修7 Unit1文章《MARTY'S STORY》的翻译不要机译!原文:Hi, my name is Marty Fielding and I guess you could say that I am “one in a million.”In other words, there are not many people like me. You see, I hav i used to think that i could not go on的手语中、英文的手语都可以