都是我以前错的,知识点不全,1.my cousin doesn't know what to______at the university.He can‘t make up his mind about his future.A.take on B.take away C.take up D.take after2.He began to take political science_____only when he left school.A

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 07:01:58
都是我以前错的,知识点不全,1.my cousin doesn't know what to______at the university.He can‘t make up his mind about his future.A.take on B.take away C.take up D.take after2.He began to take political science_____only when he left school.A
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都是我以前错的,知识点不全,1.my cousin doesn't know what to______at the university.He can‘t make up his mind about his future.A.take on B.take away C.take up D.take after2.He began to take political science_____only when he left school.A
1.my cousin doesn't know what to______at the university.He can‘t make up his mind about his future.
A.take on B.take away C.take up D.take after
2.He began to take political science_____only when he left school.
A.seriously B.strictly C.truly D.carefully
3.His report was so exciting that it was_____interrupted by applause.
A.constantly B.constant C.seldom D.never
4.Jhon could't finish his words_______something had struck his throat.
A.though B.as though C.when D,since
5.you______part in the party in time.Sorry,I was delayed by the accident.
A.are supposed to take B.have supposed to take C.are supposed to have taken D.supposed to take
6.Only when your identity has been checked______.
A.you are allowed in B.you will be allowed in C,will you allow in D.will you be allowed in
7.Jane was painting the walls and______Pat was watching TV.
A.at the meanwhile B.meanwhile C,when D,while
8.The flu is believed______by viruses inside the human nose and throat.
A,causing B,being caused C.to be caused D,to have caused
9.The socks are so ______ that they can't be mended any more
A.used up B.worn out C.tired out D,broken out
10.Who did you_______the wall yesterday?
A.have painted B,have paint C,have to paint D,have painting

都是我以前错的,知识点不全,1.my cousin doesn't know what to______at the university.He can‘t make up his mind about his future.A.take on B.take away C.take up D.take after2.He began to take political science_____only when he left school.A

B,take up开始;开始从事;占去;接收

take in欺骗;接受;理解;吸收

take care小心;注意;当心;保重

take for误认为;把……认为是;认为;当作

take to形成…的习惯;对…产生好感;喜欢;亲近

take away拿走;减去;一首歌;夺去

take after与相像;与…相象;与…相像;像

take turns轮流;依次;轮流换班;替换

take out拿出;扣除;去掉;取出
所以是 B



take something seriously

   4.根据意思 应该选择  D
     5.B 考虚拟用法 下文用的是过去时  上文则用完成时

  6. 答案D
   7. 表示对比  用 while !
解析:believe可以接不定式作宾语补足语,排除A和B;cause和本句主语the flu是逻辑上的被动关系,所以要用不定式的被动语态,即答案为C项.
9.根据 意思.选B

10. B.have paint
have sb do sth 让某人做某事
thanks very much  !

  1. 选C 【解析】:句意为我的表兄不知道在大学从事什么。他对他的将来还没做出决定。选项A的意思为穿上。选项B为拿走。选项D为效仿。ABD都不符合句意。故选C。C的意思为从事;占用;接受。 

  2. 选D 【解析】:句意为他一离开学校就开始认真研究政治学。A。严肃的,严重的 B严格的 C真实的。ABC不符合题意。故选D 

  3. <...


    1. 选C 【解析】:句意为我的表兄不知道在大学从事什么。他对他的将来还没做出决定。选项A的意思为穿上。选项B为拿走。选项D为效仿。ABD都不符合句意。故选C。C的意思为从事;占用;接受。 

    2. 选D 【解析】:句意为他一离开学校就开始认真研究政治学。A。严肃的,严重的 B严格的 C真实的。ABC不符合题意。故选D 

    3. 选A 【解析】:interrupted为动词,动词后用副词来修饰。只有A为副词。 整个句子意思为他的报告太精彩了以至于被掌声给打断了。

    4. 选D 【解析】:句意为John无法说话,一些东西卡住了他的喉咙。可见,这是因果关系,故选D,since再此是因为的意思。 

    5. 选C 【解析】:根据句意,你本应该即使到这个聚会的。对不起,我偶尔迟到了。be supposed to have done虚拟语气,意为本应该做某事,但是没有。。。 

    6. 选D 【解析】:Only位于句首需要部分倒装,所以排除AB,C的话,你应该是被允许,被动语态,所以排除,选D 

    7. 选B 【解析】:meanwhile意为与此同时,A,应改为in the meanwhile。所以选B。 

    8. 选B 【解析】:believe in doing,固定搭配,又因为后面有by被动语态,所以选B,being caused. 

    9. 选B 【解析】:意为这双袜子太。。。以至于不能再修补了,A。用完。B。破旧。C。试验。D。突然爆发。只有B符合句意。 

    10. 选A 【解析】have sth done让别人做某事。句意为,昨天谁帮你刷的墙。


都是我以前错的,知识点不全,1.my cousin doesn't know what to______at the university.He can‘t make up his mind about his future.A.take on B.take away C.take up D.take after2.He began to take political science_____only when he left school.A 初一英语的知识点都是什么,我的成绩比较差, 从初一到初三的科学易错知识点哪位老师或同学帮忙归纳一下,我自己想不全,做的时候才发现有些没掌握,没搞明白,容易犯错误.是人教版的,不要归纳, How long have you been illA.Since last week B.A week ago C.Once a week 以前学过,忘了,为什么选A呢?我知道选A,但是因为要讲课,相关语法忘了,现在做英语题目都是凭感觉做的,谁能把相关知识点说一下 初一下册地理印度以前的知识点 谁能给我整个高中的数学知识点总结?不要太多,一天就能抄完的,但也别特别不全还有生物三本必修的,要求同上 高中数学2-2要用到那些以前学过的知识点,我高一没好好学, C语言 判断题 一下都是我们学校C语言考试题库的判断题,麻烦高手能给我判断一下么.感激不尽啊上次那个不全.麻烦再弄一下,追加二十分, 求:孔雀东南飞全文哪里有孔雀东南飞全文啊,我找的都是不全的.有些字也没有显示出来. 英语翻译要全部的,我这个不全 初二下册科学如何复习?需要复习么?有些知识点都忘了怎么办.科学书上的知识点又不全.= = 科学以前还感觉自我良好;;.;现在写那个暑假作业本.不知道是作业本的难度太大还是怎样 . 初一英语的知识点都是什么,我的成绩比较差,不知道该怎么补习 ______,the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning.A.Having paid my taxes B.Paying my taxes C.My taxes having been paid D.My taxes had been paid 1.(不管这道题对错)D选项的My taxes had been paid 不就是我以前一直持续交税 初中化学单元知识点总结,尤其上册第四单元要详细一点的.单元一定要分清楚.好的追分哦!人教版,2楼说得挺细的但不全,我说过要单元分清楚的,这样有点乱. 现在的化学教科书好垃圾,知识点都不全,上可没听好现在想自学都自学不了,其他的书也一样看不懂.自己卖的书也扯得太宽了,看不懂。看得我心都碎了。 中的文言文知识点就是那种什么“名作动”,“通假字”,“倒装句”之类的语法知识点回答者:woaixuying - 探花 十一级这位同志,这个不全的啦 甲烷,酒精,醋酸,维生素C全都是有机物么?如果不全是,哪些不是? 三数A,B,C不全是负数的充要条件