Your book is under the chair.PLease____.A pick it B pick up it C pick it up

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:08:18
Your book is under the chair.PLease____.A pick it B pick up it C pick it up
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Your book is under the chair.PLease____.A pick it B pick up it C pick it up
Your book is under the chair.PLease____.A pick it B pick up it C pick it up

Your book is under the chair.PLease____.A pick it B pick up it C pick it up
c 有代词的时候必须放在中间

补全对话,每空一词A;can you see my math book-------the table,Alice?B;no,i can't.but-----is a book under it.-----it your book?A;let me-------.oh,no,it's book is new.B;is it in your----------?A;my backpack?B;yes,------behind t The book under your desk is mine.(改成疑问句)The book under your desk is mine.(改成疑问句)__________book is yours? What is under your 1under,isn't,baseball,bed,your,the2the,under,what,chair,is.连接成句子 here is your book what is your () book. this book isn't ().() book is over there.A.your,your B.yours,your C.yours,yours you can't let your eyes across the lines of a book and come up with an under 选择合适的选项补全对话.A. Is it under your book? B. It's in your backpack.C. Do you know? D. Thanks.E. No,I don't know.A: Mum,where is my pen? __1__ B. __2__ Is it in your pencil case?A. No,it isn't.B. __3__A. No. book on table is math my the the are under baseballs your sofa photos the some wall on are there Your book is under the chair.PLease____.A pick it B pick up it C pick it up is'on your face under your that isn't your book,yours is here.这句话中的your yours有什么区别? 这怎么写啊?Your book is under the chair.Please ( ).A.pick it B.pick up it C.pickYour book is under the chair.Please ( ).A.pick it B.pick up it C.pick it up put you chinese book under your bag 修改病句 The pen is under the book.就划线部分under the book提问 is this your book?yes,() A.this is isis this your book?yes,()A.this is is isn't 改错:is this book your?