英语翻译1.She was everywhere,smiling,busy,soft-footed,always considerate for others,and therefore she was very popular among us.2.Demands for change will continue,but it is difficult to imagine substantial progress being made in the immediate fut

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:04:43
英语翻译1.She was everywhere,smiling,busy,soft-footed,always considerate for others,and therefore she was very popular among us.2.Demands for change will continue,but it is difficult to imagine substantial progress being made in the immediate fut
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英语翻译1.She was everywhere,smiling,busy,soft-footed,always considerate for others,and therefore she was very popular among us.2.Demands for change will continue,but it is difficult to imagine substantial progress being made in the immediate fut
1.She was everywhere,smiling,busy,soft-footed,always considerate for others,and therefore she was very popular among us.
2.Demands for change will continue,but it is difficult to imagine substantial progress being made in the immediate future.
3.My heart-felt thanks also go to the students who have helped me realize the importance of education.
4.A data-based paper is one that bases its analysis on data.
5.Nowadays self-employed people can make more money than those who are called normal employees.
6.If something is custom-built ,it is built according to someone’s special requirements.
7.The speech presented by the president on the formal occasion last night is shorter and simplified.
8.While the nuclear radiation problems remain unsolved,the government emphasis has been switched from nuclear to coal.
9.When he heard the surprising news,his chest shivered,his wet mouth opened and his wide eyes stared.
10.Church Mill,although of fairly moderate size compared with some of its neighbours,is a delightful two-storey building of brick and stone.
11.I do typically,however,have a need to describe it to total strangers.
12.Meals also have to be modified so that they will have a beneficial effect on the body
13.Families with children tend to be restricted,for their main holiday ,to one of the three main school breaks.
14.In the case of a polluted river ,the remedy lies in the hands of a national government.
15.Some of those who attended the lecture have implied to me that not everyone took it particularly seriously.
16.They exhibit a surprising degree of agreement and common interest throughout the meeting.
17.The new generation would be more intelligent,enjoy better health,and possess more energy.
18.It would be useless to speculate what might have been achieved had these two separate teams been able to work hand in hand.
19.We have tried to make the questions simple but comprehensive so that it won't take many minutes to fill in but your answers will give us a good idea of what is wanted and what is not.
20.This controversial book was widely discussed but whether it was read by artists I leave to further research.
21.The children were expected to do well,carefully encouraged,but never laid under strain to do or be the best.
22.Finally,it became clear that no preliminary conference would be possible without widening the discussions.

英语翻译1.She was everywhere,smiling,busy,soft-footed,always considerate for others,and therefore she was very popular among us.2.Demands for change will continue,but it is difficult to imagine substantial progress being made in the immediate fut
1.She was everywhere,smiling,busy,soft-footed,always considerate for others,and therefore she was very popular among us.
1 她无处不在,微笑,忙碌,轻盈,总是为他人着想,因而她在我们之中很受欢迎.
2.Demands for change will continue,but it is difficult to imagine substantial progress being made in the immediate future.
2 对变化的要求会持续,但是很难想象在未来立即会取得很快的进步.
3.My heart-felt thanks also go to the students who have helped me realize the importance of education.
4.A data-based paper is one that bases its analysis on data.
5.Nowadays self-employed people can make more money than those who are called normal employees.
6.If something is custom-built ,it is built according to someone’s special requirements.
7.The speech presented by the president on the formal occasion last night is shorter and simplified.
8.While the nuclear radiation problems remain unsolved,the government emphasis has been switched from nuclear to coal.
9.When he heard the surprising news,his chest shivered,his wet mouth opened and his wide eyes stared.
10.Church Mill,although of fairly moderate size compared with some of its neighbours,is a delightful two-storey building of brick and stone.
11.I do typically,however,have a need to describe it to total strangers.
12.Meals also have to be modified so that they will have a beneficial effect on the body
13.Families with children tend to be restricted,for their main holiday ,to one of the three main school breaks.
14.In the case of a polluted river ,the remedy lies in the hands of a national government.
15.Some of those who attended the lecture have implied to me that not everyone took it particularly seriously.
16.They exhibit a surprising degree of agreement and common interest throughout the meeting.
17.The new generation would be more intelligent,enjoy better health,and possess more energy.
18.It would be useless to speculate what might have been achieved had these two separate teams been able to work hand in hand.
19.We have tried to make the questions simple but comprehensive so that it won't take many minutes to fill in but your answers will give us a good idea of what is wanted and what is not.
20.This controversial book was widely discussed but whether it was read by artists I leave to further research.
21.The children were expected to do well,carefully encouraged,but never laid under strain to do or be the best.
22.Finally,it became clear that no preliminary conference would be possible without widening the discussions.

1. 她是到处,微笑,繁忙,轻轻地走,总考虑周到为其他,并且她在我们之中是非常普遍的。
2. 对变动的需求将继续,但想象在直接未来被做的坚固进展是难的。
3. 我的衷心感谢也去帮助我意识到教育的重要性的学生。
4 . 一项以数据为基础的文件是一个基地,其数据分析研究.
5. 现今自己经营的人民比告诉正常雇员的那些人能挣更多金钱。
6. 如果某事是定...


1. 她是到处,微笑,繁忙,轻轻地走,总考虑周到为其他,并且她在我们之中是非常普遍的。
2. 对变动的需求将继续,但想象在直接未来被做的坚固进展是难的。
3. 我的衷心感谢也去帮助我意识到教育的重要性的学生。
4 . 一项以数据为基础的文件是一个基地,其数据分析研究.
5. 现今自己经营的人民比告诉正常雇员的那些人能挣更多金钱。
6. 如果某事是定制的,它根据某人的被建立特别要求。
7. 总统提出的讲话正式场合昨晚是更短和简化。
8. 当核辐射问题依然是未解决时,政府重点转换从核到煤炭。
9. 当他听见了惊奇的新闻,他的胸口发抖了,他的张的湿嘴,并且他的宽眼睛凝视。
10. 教会磨房,虽然相当适度大小和其中一些邻居相比,是砖和石头一个令人愉快的二层大厦。
11. 我典型地,然而,有需要描述它对陌生人。
12. 必须也修改饭食,以便他们在身体13将有一个有利
作用。 家庭与孩子倾向于限于,在他们的主要假日,三个扼要学校断裂之一。
14. 在一条被污染的河情况下,补救在国家政府的手在。
15. 参加演讲的一些那些人暗示了对我不是大家特别认真采取了它。
16. 他们陈列惊奇的程度协议和共同利益在会议中。
17. 新的世代是更加聪明的,享受更好的健康,并且拥有更多能量。
18. 推测是无用的什么也许已经达到了有这二个分开的队能手拉手工作。
19. 我们设法使问题简单,但全面,以便它不会采取许多分钟对填装,但您的答复将给我们什么被要,并且什么的一个好想法不是。
20. 这本有争议的书广泛被谈论了,但它是否由艺术家读我听任进一步研究。
21. 孩子预计很好做,仔细地鼓励,但未曾放置在张力之下做或最佳。
22. 终于,它变得清晰,初步会议不会是可能的不加宽讨论。
