34.— I am very worried about tomorrow‘s math test.I am afraid I can‘t pass this time.— ________ I‘m sure you‘ll make it.A.No problem B.Cheer up C.That‘s right D.Don‘t mention it这里A、C、D好像都可以啊!我相信你能成功!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 17:16:43
34.— I am very worried about tomorrow‘s math test.I am afraid I can‘t pass this time.— ________ I‘m sure you‘ll make it.A.No problem B.Cheer up C.That‘s right D.Don‘t mention it这里A、C、D好像都可以啊!我相信你能成功!
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34.— I am very worried about tomorrow‘s math test.I am afraid I can‘t pass this time.— ________ I‘m sure you‘ll make it.A.No problem B.Cheer up C.That‘s right D.Don‘t mention it这里A、C、D好像都可以啊!我相信你能成功!
34.— I am very worried about tomorrow‘s math test.I am afraid I can‘t pass this time.— ________ I‘m sure you‘ll make it.A.No problem B.Cheer up C.That‘s right D.Don‘t mention it
还有这个38.Captain Alison will ________ at eight o‘clock,so we shall have plenty of time.A.beginning B.set out C.be set out D.be begun

34.— I am very worried about tomorrow‘s math test.I am afraid I can‘t pass this time.— ________ I‘m sure you‘ll make it.A.No problem B.Cheer up C.That‘s right D.Don‘t mention it这里A、C、D好像都可以啊!我相信你能成功!
34.B.Cheer up 38.B.set out
cheer up 用来鼓励和安慰人时所说的话,意为"振奋精神/振着起来"
No problem .是别人请你帮忙或向你借东西时,你说"没问题",表明你愿意帮忙.
Don‘t mention it.是别人感谢你时,你所说的客气话,意为"不值一提".
set out 意为"出发,动身",刚好符合句意.但为不及物短语,没有被动语态,因此不能选C.
A 时态不正确,D中begin 是没有被动语态的,且句意也不通.故不能选A.D.

34选 B, 振作起来,我相信你肯定行!

38. B。 船长8点开船,时间还很充裕。
用排除法!!! A...


34选 B, 振作起来,我相信你肯定行!

38. B。 船长8点开船,时间还很充裕。
用排除法!!! A,显然不对,will后面接原型,ing形式要排除; C 船长自己是人不是物, 所以没必要用Be。。。 D就更不对了, 用了be 又用个分词,是被动语态,更加不对。


34 b
cheer up -----打起精神
no problem -----(对不好的事情的善意回答)没有关系
that's right -------你说得对
don't mention it ------不要提了

38 b
set out ----出航,出发
will + begin,不是加beginning


34 b
cheer up -----打起精神
no problem -----(对不好的事情的善意回答)没有关系
that's right -------你说得对
don't mention it ------不要提了

38 b
set out ----出航,出发
will + begin,不是加beginning
C. be set out -----set out 没有被动语态

