英语翻译The geostatistical aggregation curve,P(T),describes the maximum proportion of fish that can be found in a certain proportion of area.It was described by the curve on the T-Pspace joining the points (T j ,P j ),j=1,2,…,n,where T j is the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 08:24:32
英语翻译The geostatistical aggregation curve,P(T),describes the maximum proportion of fish that can be found in a certain proportion of area.It was described by the curve on the T-Pspace joining the points (T j ,P j ),j=1,2,…,n,where T j is the
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英语翻译The geostatistical aggregation curve,P(T),describes the maximum proportion of fish that can be found in a certain proportion of area.It was described by the curve on the T-Pspace joining the points (T j ,P j ),j=1,2,…,n,where T j is the
The geostatistical aggregation curve,P(T),describes the maximum proportion of fish that can be found in a certain proportion of area.It was described by the curve on the T-Pspace joining the points (T j ,P j ),j=1,2,…,n,where T j is the proportion of the total area occupied by population densities (z) larger than z,and P j is the proportion of fish that are encountered at densities larger than z.The T j and P j curves were respectively formulated as follows :

英语翻译The geostatistical aggregation curve,P(T),describes the maximum proportion of fish that can be found in a certain proportion of area.It was described by the curve on the T-Pspace joining the points (T j ,P j ),j=1,2,…,n,where T j is the
它可以用T-P空间上的曲线结合点(T j ,P j ),j=1,2,…,n,来描述,其中T j 代表总面积被鱼类所占领的部分大于鱼类的总密度(z),P j 代表鱼类的比率所遇到的鱼是在测算的密集区里面的那部分的鱼的比率大于鱼类的总密度(z).
T j 和 P j 曲线分别的式子如下:
