英语翻译Integrated Supply Chain ManagementWhen organizations tried to reduce their Logistics costs,their initial studies looked at the separate function--location of facilities,procurement,inventory control,warehousing and transport.But it soon b

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 13:59:06
英语翻译Integrated Supply Chain ManagementWhen organizations tried to reduce their Logistics costs,their initial studies looked at the separate function--location of facilities,procurement,inventory control,warehousing and transport.But it soon b
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英语翻译Integrated Supply Chain ManagementWhen organizations tried to reduce their Logistics costs,their initial studies looked at the separate function--location of facilities,procurement,inventory control,warehousing and transport.But it soon b
Integrated Supply Chain Management
When organizations tried to reduce their Logistics costs,their initial studies looked at the separate function--location of facilities,procurement,inventory control,warehousing and transport.But it soon became clear that the best approach was through integration--not looking at these functions sepa-rately,but considering the supply chain as a whole.This recognition has led to a continuing trend,as organizations stopped looking at transport and moved on study broader physical distribution,then Logis-tics and finally supply chain management.At each stage there has been more integration,with an in-creasing range of activities recognized as being part of the supply chain.
In practice,the terms"logistics"and"supply chain management"are now used interchangeably,so the Institule of Logistics can give the following definitions:
Logistics is the time related positioning of resources,or the strategic management of the total sup-ply chain.
The supply chain is a sequence of events intended to satisfy a customer.It can include procure-ment,manufacture,distribution and waste disposal,together with associated transport,storage and in-formation technology.
With this broad definition,logistics is inherently linked to other operations and can include--or at least affect - almost every function within an organization.This approach is consistent with the process focus adopted by many organizations,which no longer see themselves as supplying products,but as us-ing a process to satisfy customer demand.Logistics is a key part of this integrated process.

英语翻译Integrated Supply Chain ManagementWhen organizations tried to reduce their Logistics costs,their initial studies looked at the separate function--location of facilities,procurement,inventory control,warehousing and transport.But it soon b


整合供应链管理什么时候组织努力尝试向减少他们的数理逻辑成本他们的开头研究地看在分开运转的位置的设施取得具有清单所示价值控制手段存栈和 交通运输.但是它不久是变成清理那个中最好的接近是通过融合到中不要地看在这些功能 sepa rately 但是同样要考虑整个供应链同样.这个承认富人带领进入向继续朝着的倾向同样组织停止地看在交通运输和移动在上学习更宽广体格检查散发那时 Logis 抽搐和最后供应链经理...


整合供应链管理什么时候组织努力尝试向减少他们的数理逻辑成本他们的开头研究地看在分开运转的位置的设施取得具有清单所示价值控制手段存栈和 交通运输.但是它不久是变成清理那个中最好的接近是通过融合到中不要地看在这些功能 sepa rately 但是同样要考虑整个供应链同样.这个承认富人带领进入向继续朝着的倾向同样组织停止地看在交通运输和移动在上学习更宽广体格检查散发那时 Logis 抽搐和最后供应链经理.至于更多的和每一已经有舞台的结合一在使出现折线方面活动的范围被认出是,是是部分供应链实际上,现在术语“后勤学”和“供应链管理”被可交换地使用,所以数理逻辑的 Institule 能给出下列的定义:数理逻辑是时间是相关总一啜层链条的资源或者战略上管理的位置供应链是一连串的希望的以使满意的事件一 customer.它能包含的替制 ment 散发得到和一起损坏对的处理用交通运输存储被结合和在组成技术中用这宽广定义,后勤学被内在地把和其它运算联系起来和能包含——或者至少自觉感情几乎每一个在一 organization.这接近以内的功能是和的过程焦点,经过是为提供产品不再看见他们自己的很多组织但是作为我们采用一致 ing 一以使客户 demand.Logistics 满意的过程是重要一部分这综合的过程。
