英语翻译Click here to view the full list of country code descriptions.Click here to view the full list of post office code descriptions.Click here to view the full list of delivery base code descriptions.If your Registered Article/SmartPac was ma

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 08:20:57
英语翻译Click here to view the full list of country code descriptions.Click here to view the full list of post office code descriptions.Click here to view the full list of delivery base code descriptions.If your Registered Article/SmartPac was ma
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英语翻译Click here to view the full list of country code descriptions.Click here to view the full list of post office code descriptions.Click here to view the full list of delivery base code descriptions.If your Registered Article/SmartPac was ma
Click here to view the full list of country code descriptions.
Click here to view the full list of post office code descriptions.
Click here to view the full list of delivery base code descriptions.
If your Registered Article/SmartPac was mailed recently,please allow another 2-3 working days (excluding Saturday,Sunday and Public Holidays) for the next status update.
For Registered Articles posted under surface mode,status update is available when there is a sea dispatch to the country.
Electronic data received is not an acknowledgment of the physical receipt of the stated Registered Article.Actual Registered Articles status is only available upon physical receipt of the Registered Article and upload of the status on this website.SingPost shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or in connection with any error,omission or discrepancy in the data received.
The delivery status of your item will not be available if your item was sent more than 6 months ago.
For local to overseas item,further delivery status is available at the following destinations

英语翻译Click here to view the full list of country code descriptions.Click here to view the full list of post office code descriptions.Click here to view the full list of delivery base code descriptions.If your Registered Article/SmartPac was ma
点击这里查看完整列表的国家代码的描述.点击这里查看完整列表的邮局代码的描述.点击这里查看完整列表的交付的基础代码的描述.如果你的注册文章/ SmartPac最近被邮寄,请允许另一个2 - 3个工作日(不包括星期六、日及公众假期)在接下来的状态更新.注册张贴文章在表面模式,状态更新可用时对国家海洋调度.电子数据收到不是一个承认物理收到规定的注册的文章.实际注册文章地位只能在物理收到注册的文章,上传的状态在这个网站上.SingPost概不负责引起的任何损失或损害或连接任何错误、遗漏或差异在接收到的数据.你的项目的交付状态将不可用,如果你的项目是发送超过6个月前.为当地的海外项目,进一步的发送状态可以在以下目的地

点击这里查看国家代码描述的完整列表。点击此处查看邮局的代码描述的完整列表。点击此处查看交付基地的完整列表,代码的说明。如果您的注册条/ SmartPac的邮寄,请允许2-3个工作日内(不包括星期六,星期日及公众假期)为下一个状态更新。对于表面模式下的注册文章,状态更新时,有一个海上派遣到该国。收到的电子数据是不实际收到的确认规定的注册文章。实际注册状态是仅适用于实际收到的注册条款,并上载本网站上的...


点击这里查看国家代码描述的完整列表。点击此处查看邮局的代码描述的完整列表。点击此处查看交付基地的完整列表,代码的说明。如果您的注册条/ SmartPac的邮寄,请允许2-3个工作日内(不包括星期六,星期日及公众假期)为下一个状态更新。对于表面模式下的注册文章,状态更新时,有一个海上派遣到该国。收到的电子数据是不实际收到的确认规定的注册文章。实际注册状态是仅适用于实际收到的注册条款,并上载本网站上的状态。新加坡邮政(SingPost)或连接接收的数据中的任何错误,遗漏或差异而产生的任何损失或损害概不承担任何责任。对您的产品将无法使用传送状态,如果你的项目超过6个月前发送。对于本地的海外项目,进一步交货状态可以在下面的目的地
